2023: Pope Benedict XVI About To Be Laid To Rest- Read Details

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9News Nigeria

From Princely Onyenwe

Pope Benedict XVI lies in state in his home chapel in the Monastery Mater Ecclesiæ. From tomorrow his body will lie in state in St Peter’s Basilica.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

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The saying that those who believe are never alone – neither in life nor in death, is a reality regarding pope’s transition unto glory while wishing his gentle soul eternal rest.

Details of his burial will be released in our next Publication pending the schedule of events by his family and the vatican.

Photos: 📸 Vatican Media

9News Nigeria (Owerri) For inquiries on this news contact 9News Nigeria Imo State @08036856526


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About Princely Onyenwe 2724 Articles
Princely Onyenwe A seasoned Investigative Journalist, Civil Rights Activist, and Political Analyst, Currently Editor and News reporter with 9News Nigeria www.9newsng.com www.facebook.com/9newsng