64 years old church general overseer marries 18 years old member

The 64 years old General overseer of Way Of Salvation Ministry has married 18 Years old chorister as second wife

Apostle Udofia Thompson married sister Blessing of the church main choir to be the 2nd Mama to all members.

Just recently, Pentecostal churches Pastors who were previously against polygamy, but have 2nd, 3rd or 4th wife under cover have started reversing themselves by saying Jacob the father of Israel married many wives and that, that same God is whom they preach and believe by faith to be the saviour of the world

9News Nigeria TV

About Samuel Abasiekong 1012 Articles
Samuel Abasiekong, Senior Journalist, Newspaper Publisher, Author of many literature text books, French-English, English-French languages Translator and Interpreter, Public Relations/Advertising Expert, Multi-sectoral Counsellor & Consultant, Nigerian Red Cross Society Volunteer, News Editor & Reporter @ 9News Nigeria www.9newsng.com www.facebook.com/9NewsNG