When some Islamic religious zealots, attacked and killed an old Christian woman in Kano some months ago the outcry and condemnation that trailed it was to say the least, massive.
Many Nigerians and even some international bodies joined in condemning the dastardly act. With the prompt arrests of some suspects who’s roles in that wicked act people had thought that justice will be done, and that the Kano State government will be able to rise above religious sentiments and do the right thing. However, all that hope could be dashed, if people of good consience fails to do something now, as a magistrate court have discharged and acquitted all the accused of any culpability in the murder of that Christian woman.
I know that this judgement is politically and religiously motivated, and is another prove that all religious killings in Nothern Nigeria is sponsored by the State and that those who engage in this extreme destruction do so with the boldness and confidence that those who sent them are men in high places and are fully behind them, and would surely come to their rescue when the need arises.
I use this opportunity to call on the South East governors and Imo State government in particular to wade in and appeal this judgement immediately. I also call on the international community, Amnesty International, and other human rights organisations, both within and outside Nigeria to rise up and fight this injustice, to ensure that justice is done to the dead. I know this will not bring back the dead but it will certainly serve as deterrent to others who may want to engage in such barbaric activities in the name of religion in the future to think twice.
I would have said that President Muhammadu Buhari should seek justice for the dead, but that wouldn’t be necessary knowing that he wouldn’t give a damn, as long as this killing was done in the name of Islam. After all, Buhari have refused to do anything tangible about all the killings and wanton destructions perpetrated by the fulani herdsmen across the nation till date.
If those who suppose to talk and take action on this matter keep quiet now, then it means that Nigerians, especially non Muslims and non Notherners are not safe in the North. These religious bigots will continue to butcher our people continously, with reckless abandon.
The Christian Association of Nigeria – CAN, should not keep quiet over this matter. I know vengeance belongs to God, but it’s the duty of every man to protect themselves, and those entrusted with leadership are expected to take proactive measures to defend and protect those they’re elected and supposed to govern. And in this case, the best measure to take in order to protect and defend the citizenry against further bloodshed in the name of religion is to make sure that the law take it’s full course.