By Raph McJulius
THE US ELECTION: WHY I SUPPORT AND WISH DONALD TRUMP WINS What the United States of America and every other nation needs to move forward are not just politicians in the most common definition of the word, but sincere and committed leaders, with proven track record of achievements in their past endeavours, especially and preferably in their private businesses and enterprises.
Looking at those running for the White House in the United State’s forth coming election Mr. Donald Trump is the candidate that has this quality and qualification.
For those who don’t know, Mr. Trump is one of the most successful real estate moguls in the United States. From a very young age Mr. Trump has managed his own real estate organisation, from a one million dollars cheque given to him by his father.
Today, he is one of the most accomplished authors and public speakers in USA. Mr. Trump, through his vast real estate empire and other business interests has given employment to thousands of people, and runs one of the strongest and broadest mentorship network in the history of America; he is also a philanthropist.
Mr. Trump has excelled in all he had done and I believe he is the best qualified among the rest.
His success is quantifiable. The word politician has many definitions but going by the majority of these definitions and the way people who profess to be politicians conduct themselves and play the game makes it clear that politicians are not the best people to manage and run the affairs of any nation.
For example, the word politician is defined as: One primarily devoted to his own advancement in public office, or to the success of a political party; — used in a depreciatory sense; one addicted or attached to politics as managed by parties; a schemer; an intriguer; as, a mere politician.
Another definition defines the word politician as: machine politician; ward-heeler; political hack; hack: a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends.
You see? That’s my problem with the word politician and those who profess to be politicians. It’s all about themselves, and this cut across parties, nations and races. Every core and average politician is in it for self purpose, irrespective of what he or she claims and, the promises they make to the electorate.
I am writing in support of, and to promote Mr. Donald Trump’s candidacy and not against any other candidate in the contest for the White House. And It’s my right to hold this view. Looking at the front runners for the White House, I realised that Mr. Trump is one man who does not come across as a hack hack politician, or that fit into most of the negative definitions of who a politician is, hence my undivided support for his candidacy, and I will elaborate my reasons.
I may not have come from America and do not have a voting right there, but by the grace of God upon my life and every humility under God, as God’s servant I have a couple of individuals who reside in the USA with voting rights under my influence that I am influencing positively to vote for Mr. Trump.
The undecerning and spiritually blind will not understand nor see what is at stake in this US election.
Every core politician like those who are up against Mr. Trump are never sincere, they are the breed who tell people what the people wants to hear, whether they fulfil their promises is another thing all together.
They will always deceive the unsuspecting and naive. Everything they do, charity, foundations and giving back is all about what they will soon seek to get in return from the electorate.
But for Mr. Trump, he has been a private business person for more than three decades now, supporting charity and giving back to the society, and at the same time providing mentorship and leadership without any strings attached. Some months ago, I read a book (WHY WE WANT YOU TO BECOME RICH) Co – authored by Mr. Trump and Mr. Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the popular New York Times Bestseller (RICH DAD POOR DAD). In that book writen in 1995, Mr. Trump and his Co-author forecasted most of the world’s economic situations, both past and present, while providing solutions at the same time.
Thereby, proving himself a very sound economist, entrepreneur and business juggernaut of many decades standing. It is also worthwhile to note that in that book his co-autor mentioned that for years, that’s as at 1995 that people have been clamouring for Mr. Trump to run for the Presidency. He added that should Mr. Trump decide to run he would support and campaign for him across the country. Another reason why I am rooting for Mr. Trump is his sincerity and open mindedness.
He is straightforward and frank to a fault, which is something many politicians lack. We need leaders who do the right things not men pleasers in the name of politics.
The only reason why Mr. Trump is in the eyes of the storm now is due to his frankness and genuine interest in fighting for and, protecting the American people against well established enemies of the State and it’s citizens. This he does at the risk of being labelled a racist, religious bigot and divisive.
I strongly believe that Mr. Trump if given the opportunity will bring the same diligence, experience and expertise with which he built his personal business empire to bear in his running of the affairs of that country. NY FURTHER REASONS FOR ROOTING FOR MR. TRUMP I know that many people both within and outside the United States would not see some of these reasons with me or might even see me as a religious fanatics.
But one thing I know which many does not know is that there is a battle going on for the control and allegiance of nations between the forces of light and that of darkness, GOD and satan. So, in the light of this indisputable truth, I believe that the Republicans are the side that still try to toe the line of God, at least to some extent. A Nimbo proverb, says that out of every two thing, there must be one that is better.
And I believe that of the two dominant parties in America, the Republicans values are more Godly.
The Republicans are against same sex marriage, abortion, they support prayers being offered in government owned schools and other institutions. Most of the laws that negate Godly and religious values in America today were sponsored and passed by the Democrats backed majority in the legislative houses.
It’s also on record that Mr. Donald Trump have not hidden his disapproval of issues bothering on abortion and same sex marriage, while the Democrats see nothing wrong with any of these. It is also on record that the Democrats led government of America refused to sell weapons to Dr. Goodluck Jonathan led government or support his administration in other ways as a result of his refusal to support gay marriage and abortion. But during President Buhari’s visit to the US, then as the standard bearer of his party, he received the endorsement and support of the Americans.
He achieved this feat by declining to say yes or no to their appeal for him to support these vises. By not giving outright answer to that question he gave the Americans a false hope that he may support such abomination, and thereby got that support that every Presidential hopeful needed so much to liverage on against their opponents.
Even when Chief Olufemi Fani Kayode was raising issues over that then I knew that General Buhari only sold a dummy to the undecernig Americans. I knew it was a dummy because I was very sure that Gen. Buhari, a fulani Muslim will never be part of such evil that is against Islamic tenet, an abomination and conspiracy against God.
The General Buhari I know, even if it’s from afar and only from what is read about him will never make such compromise. He would rather jettision his presidential ambition than do that. No one can take this from him.
I am of the view that a vote for Trump is a vote against abortion, gay marriage, Islamic extremism and terrorism without compromise and many other vices that oppose the ways of God and Christianity in general.
Even though I know that a Donald Trump victory might not outlaw some of these abominable things, knowing that himself and his party stand against these vices make a whole lot of difference to me. HIS CHANCES AT THE ELECTION As much as I support a Trump candidacy, I know that Mrs. Hillary Clinton stands a better chance. This is because most of the things that he stands for are not in tandem with the American and Western values of today.
The Western society of today is completely eroded of morals, but majorly and in addition to this is Trump’s stand on issues of religion, immigration and terrorism, which I strongly believe is in the best interest of the American people against the invading illegal migrants, especially the jihadist who infiltrate the Western world with ulterior motive of Islamic expansionist agenda. As far as the US maintain a policy of freedom of worship, which is the proper thing to do in a civilised society like America and other Western nations, I must say that the West need leaders with strong and firm character to make sure that the enemies of Christianity, Israel and free worship does not take advantage of this free society as obtained in the US and elsewhere in the West.
So far, the liberal Democrats in the US have not been able to checkmate this loopholes, which has given rise to situations where refugees and assilum seekers of moslem background ended up carrying out terror attacks across many Western Nations.
It is most of this excesses that Donald Trump has vowed to put a stop to. I support and wish that Mr. Trump win this election, and I have no reason whatsoever to change my mind on this. Haven said that Mrs. Clinton stands a better chance, I believe that MIRACLES STILL DO HAPPEN, AND IT COULD JUST HAPPEN.
Raph McJulius is a Prophet, Poet and the Senior Pastor of THE BALANCED CHURCH, Lagos, Nigeria. He can be reached on Email:
Edited by Obinna Ejianya @obinna_ejianya – 9News Nigeria