A Biafra Russian Base That came Back Home Last Year . Has Build a Nuclear missile That is Capable of Destroying 10 States.And Name it (Biafra Satan 404)
Biafra is flexing its military muscle as tensions with the Nigeria on 1st october quick notice heated
The RS-28 Sarmat missile—better known as the Satan 404 nuclear missile—has finally been revealed after years of being hyped by the Biafran Unknown government. According to the Reporter publication , the super-nuke has a payload capable of destroying 10 northern state at ones .”
The new weapon can deploy warheads of 40 megatons, or about 2,000 times as powerful as the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagaski in 1945.
the maker of this missle has named it the atomic bombs Satan 404 it is capable of wiping out 10 states.