The picture of a female Police officer was seen trending on social media when some members of the Anambra Vigilantee group (AVG), were seen torturing her on the account of trying to separate a fight as alleged by their commander who gave the order that she should be tied with a rope. However, even when the young female police officer identified herself as a police officer serving at central police station (CPS) Nnewi, she was allegedly rebuffed by the commander as she was pushed back by the Vigilantes, who said they did not recognize any federal Government operative.
This incidence happened on 12th January 2022 at Awuda Nnobi security office, where the commander popularly known as mayor threatened to kill her with a pistol gun, which he went further to say that she is not the only police officer to be eliminated in such Way. He was further Stating that the female Police officer have no right to separate fight around his own territory and deserve to be dealt with for challenging his authority, he said.
An eyewitness in the community confirmed to that the trouble started where two women were fighting in an event; the female Police officer being a law enforcement officer of the Nigeria Police force, intervened to separate the fight while on mofty, but was disappointed when the AVG group came and was harassing her to the extent of arresting her and also tied her hands and legs on a static pole.
It was gathered that the situation escalated with lots of Anger amongst eyewitness, as the commander connived with the Police DCO1 of Nnobi police station Awuda in order to lock up a colleague without any form of investigation.
Meanwhile, Commander mayor have shown no regards to the Nigeria Police force by unlawfully detaining an officer of the Nigeria Police force; also he further stated that he is an Army commander in US, and as such has the right to detain any officer who challenges his authority.
However, senior officers of honour in the Nigerian Police force have taken a lead in ensuring that the commander has been arrested as directed by the commissioner of Police Anambra State, while other members of the vigilantes who were involved in this unlawful detention of an officer of the Nigerian Police force are yet to be apprehended.
A concerned Youth leader of Okofia community, Hon. Amaobi Okonkwo, thanks the Nigeria Police force for upholding the honour of the force and also protecting the women gender based violence, as her torture was birthed due to her gender. He further stated, “as we thank the Nigeria Police force, for their immediate attention to this heinous crime by AVG commander Nnobi, it is expected that the other culprit should be arrested and prosecuted for such injustice meted against the innocent female officer”. The dignity of the Nigerian Police force must be maintained even in the prevailing circumstances, he added
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