From Princely Onyenwe
There is geared tension in the state by the counter order of Ministry of Lands by the Housing Authority Imo state to kickstart ground Breaking event on the land belonging to Owerri West Communities located along Owerri PortHarcourt road.
Government Intervention is needed as a matter of urgency to avoid looming clash between land owners, law enforcement agents and Imo Housing as perceived by News men.
Information making the rounds has it that Imo Housing Authority are keen to raiding and grabbing PortHarcourt road land belonging to Nekede, Ihiagwa, Obinze and Avu Communities on false pretense.
I can authoritatively report that the state government under Governor Hope Uzodinma is fast tracking every possible efforts to resolve all lingering challenges bedevilling the said portion of land to the benefit of the owners through the appropriate ministry of lands.
On this therefore, the planned ground breaking of such inherited lands must stop otherwise the people are prepared to resist the grabbers as gathered. This was mentioned in the village meetings held this night at the communities involved.
The process of acquisition is ongoing through the authorized quarters of the state government but regrettedly imposters who cliamed to be representatives of Housing went round to the host Traditional Rulers to lobby them to allow housing commence land Breaking ceremony behind the land owners tomorrow Tuesday February 7-02-2023.
Imo lands Commissioner Noble Atulegwu has warned every land grabber to desist forthwith while government through the appropriate ministry of lands will communicate communities on the way forward !!
Therefore it is expected of the general public to get the record straight while waiting for the speedy Interventions of Government and fast resolve by the agencies of involved.
Communities involved are to be on the know of this latest development and keep watch to their ancestral land pending clarifications from the state ministry of lands.
No doubt the land owners have clamoured to open up the forest for immediate development and not to indirectly allocate the land and abandon same land to grow bushes. Land owners need good development of their land and payment of compensation without further delay.
It is the duty of the Commissioner of lands to issue letter of acquisition and allocation to land owners not Imo Housing Corporation.
It is derogatory to copy a letter of sort degree to the land Commissioner who’s authorities surpass that of Housing Authority. The people of the Communities have advised both the housing authority and that of Imo state Ministry of lands to officially close ranks and trade on same page to release this particular portion of land and allocation papers to the actual land owners. The lingering crises have to be resolved once and final, land owners cried out.
Grabbers be warned!!
9News Nigeria (Owerri) For inquiries on this news contact 9News Nigeria Imo State @08036856526