it is now on record. From our Intel, on the deceit and destruction, brainwashing and gullibility spell casted to some Biafrans to be partakers of the Nigeria Elections is as a result of some Biafra who are political figures to the Nigeria government base on the LGA’s.
We are going to arrange a meeting on these Biafrans who are political figures under the Nigeria government.

We UGM are going to evangelism, to touch the lives of these people with immediate effect from tomorrow across the Biafra land and its territories.
Chairmen of LGA’s.
Councilors of LGA’s.
All SA’s of LGA’s.
All Desk Security Officers DSO of LGA’s.
Women leaders to the various Nigeria political parties (of LGA’s in Biafra communities).
Youth leaders to the various Nigeria political parties (of LGA’s in Biafra communities).
All Chieftains to the various Nigeria political parties (of LGA’s in Biafra communities).
All various Ward’s and INEC Polling Units across Biafra lands, territories, LGA’s and Biafra communities.
All henchmen, political thugs to the various Nigeria political parties(of the LGA’s in Biafra communities).
� Across all Biafra land and its territories these mentions, will be visited and preached to by our Holy Ghost Crusade starting from tomorrow.
We are everywhere, we are watching.. ~UGM