The contempt and disdain Pastor Chris Okotie, the founder of Household of God Church, had for the late General Overseer of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) Prophet TB Joshua, has continued even after the demise of Joshua.
This was made manifest in a video message posted on Monday on the YouTube channel of the Household Church, Apokalupsis, entitled “The truth about TB Joshua,” where Okotie described the late televangelist who died in June, as a magician and a sorcerer who “claimed he is the one that the Lord has appointed in this generation to bring reconciliation between God and man.”
Okotie who had never hidden his animosity for Joshua when he was alive and had been a long-standing critic of his late colleague, had once described him as the “vicar of the devil on earth”.
He also likened Joshua to Bar-Jesus, a false prophet in the scriptures who equated himself with Jesus.
In the 75-minute video which has drawn widespread criticism since it went viral, Okotie said the late cleric had equated himself with Jesus Christ by his name, conduct, and spiritual pattern.
“Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. What is the truth about TB Joshua? Who was he? Was he a product of Christianity? Or a practitioner of shamanism? Was he a servant of the Lord Jesus? Or some itinerant religious quack? Was he a true prophet, who was misunderstood? Or a hypocrite masquerading under the habiliment of the Faith?” he begins.
Okotie then went on to describe Joshua as a fake man of God who equated himself with Jesus Christ.
“Joshua claimed he is the one that the Lord has appointed in this generation to bring reconciliation between God and man,” he said.
“And he is not the first to propose such a ludicrous concept. Because even Jesu Oyingbo did the same thing, he calls himself Emmanuel. And we have the same thing with the entity in Calabar who used to call himself I Am.
“So Joshua believes he is aloof from Jesus, that’s why he took the name Joshua because that’s the name that Jesus bore when he was right here on earth.
“The full name is Jehoshua, which means Jehovah is salvation. The name Joshua and the name Jesus are exactly the same.”
Continuing, the former presidential aspirant added:
“He is a magician, a sorcerer, and calls himself a prophet. Notice he doesn’t call himself an apostle, he doesn’t call himself a teacher, he doesn’t call himself a pastor because if he calls himself by any other name outside of prophet, he does not fulfill the pattern.
“So, he must stick with that appellation. He must call himself prophet so, so and so… So, he is a magician who claims to be a prophet but he is a false prophet.:
Quoting from the Bible in John 8:32, Okotie said:
“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Joshua took on the name because he believed he was another messiah.
“He believes that God sent him to our world to bring reconciliation between God and mankind, exactly the same way the Lord Jesus was sent, and that is why he took that name Joshua,” he said.
This is not the first time Okotie had come out to share his thoughts on the late Joshua.
Three days after the death of Joshua, Okotie had shared a cryptic post wherein he referenced the deceased as a certain ”wizard of Endor” who assumed the title of ”Emmanuel.”
Although he did not mention any name or person in particular in his message, it was easy to infer who he referred to with the use of ‘Emmanuel’ which is the slogan of the church as well as the name of the television arm of the Synagogue Church.