Raph McJulius
Those who know me knows that I am not a fan of President Muhammad Buhari, neither did I cast my vote for him during the last general election.
There are varied reasons for this but above all other reason is my deep conviction that he doesn’t have all it takes to move the nation Nigeria forward. Truth be told, no single individual has all it takes but there are some key factors and igredients required in a person to do well as the president of a confluence and rainbow nation like ours, Nigeria is an amalgamation. And those vital, core and key igredients are what President Buhari lacks.
Prior to the election most of Buhari people who tried to convert me to become one of his disciples failed because they couldn’t convince me that he has these vital requirements. The much most of them could do was to tell me that Buhari is incurruptible, they said that corruption cannot trive in the country with Buhari at the helm of affairs.
However, by the grace of God, I am mentally endowed enough to understand that being incorruptible is not enough to qualify someone for the presidency of any nation. Being incorruptible is part of the important requirements but that is not enough, to move Nigeria forward the president should possess much more than that.
Firstly, the president should have a sound mind, that’s he must be a creative thinker, and with all sincerity under God and all due respect Buhari doesn’t not possess such great mind.
Again, a president that will take Nigeria to the promised land must be an all inclusivist, a broad minded individual who is not beclouded with trivial issues such as ethnicity and religious bigotry, again Buhari does not possess this quality, on the contrary he is the very opposite.
So far, all his appointments that doesn’t require federal character or quota system has proved that he is a tribalist, a sectional minded person and a religious bigot. And without any iota of doubt I believe that some of these weaknesses are responsible for his dismal performance so far.
Another vital requirement that a great and successful president must possess which Buhari does not is forgiveness.  And if I may ask you this question, is Buhari a forgiving person? Well, you be the judge. Vendetta is a disadvantage, it’s a weakness and not a virtue.
You can’t go about using government apparatus to victimise your perceived enemies and settling scores as old as thirty years and expect to do well in government or be called a nationalist. I believe that in a nation of multi tribal and religious country like Nigeria the greatest affix to any leader’s name is the word NATIONALIST, and you know what, very few Nigerians have had that affix to their name and President Muhammad Buhari has never been so addressed. I will address the issue of nationalism in a separate writeup.
How I sincerely wish that Buhari was able to prove me wrong by performing above average. The truth is that if a government in power does well in the areas of economy, power generation, infrastructural development, inflation and many more every body in the country will enjoy such milestone achievements, both those who voted for or against such leader and his political party.
This is the sincere reason why I wish that Buhari should prove me wrong, but regrettably he has confirmed my fears that he doesn’t have all it takes to be a successful president.
But even more disturbing is the concern I have, which is if he will be able to prove people like me who does not believe in his capabilities to perform well as a president wrong by scoring some worthwhile achievement in some of the areas I mentioned earlier and in some other sectors where the country is in dire need of intervention.
Oh Lord Jesus, I pray you help President Buhari prove me wrong by him doing wonderfully well in the remaining time he has to complete his tenure in office, amen.
I know that many people like one of my friend, who is an ardent follower and unrepentant Buhari apologist will not agree with me that he has performed abysmally below average so far, but I invite them to come forward with proves of his score card, I mean practical and tangible things that this government has achieved to alleviate the suffering of the teeming mases of this great country.
l wouldn’t accept anyone telling me of the rot done by past governments , this is because fifteen months is enough for a result driven administration to start churning dividends of democracy to their country men and women.
One question I ask those who still blame PDP for the present state of the economy and other failures of government of the day is, didn’t APC as a political party see all these things before contesting the last general election? One attribute of bad leadership and weak and lazy people is to pass the bucks, they keep looking for who to blame for their failings and problems.
Great leaders and people take the bull by the horns, they take their destiny into their hands, accepting blame for their mistakes and failures and taking the credit for their successes while giving all the glory to the almighty for His helps. Another proof of President Buhari and APC’s failure and abysmal performance is their constant passing of bucks for their ineffectiveness.
President Buhari’s abysmal performance have proved me right. I made it abundantly clear during the electioneering campaign that the reason I won’t support Gen. Buhari is my conviction that he would not do well as president. My decision on him has no bias whatsoever, it was not based on religion, ethnicity or on any other myopic and trivial reasons, but purely on his capabilities, mental and intellectual capacity. AND I HAVE BEEN PROVED RIGHT.
Raph McJulius Enechi is a Prophet, and The Senior Pastor of THE BALANCED CHURCH, Lagos Nigeria.

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