Discovery: Igbo speaking tribe in Equatorial Guinea

Do you know that in Equatorial Guinea, an oil rich country in the Gulf of Guinea Igbos are the third largest group? Yes, Igbos native to Equatorial Guinea, number 33,500 (2015 figures). They are the third largest tribe in Equatorial Guinea by population.

Barleycorn (1848–1925), born in Santa Isabel, Fernando Po, Spanish Guinea, a nwa afor Igbo, was a Methodist missionary.
He went to Fernando Po (now known as Bioko) in the early 1880s. From Bioko, he travelled to Edinburgh University.

Equatorial Guinea is in the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa.

The Igbos of Equatorial Guinea occupy a small area in Bioko. Most of them migrated to Bioko from Arochukwu in Abia State, Nigeria.The primary language of the Igbos of Equatorial Guinea is Igbo. They practice marginal Christianity.

Bioko, formerly known as Fernando Po, is a region in Equatorial Guinea.
Most people in Bioko conduct their daily lives in either Fang, Bubi, or Igbo, all of which are in the Bantu family of languages.

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Samuel Abasiekong, Senior Journalist, Newspaper Publisher, Author of many literature text books, French-English, English-French languages Translator and Interpreter, Public Relations/Advertising Expert, Multi-sectoral Counsellor & Consultant, Nigerian Red Cross Society Volunteer, News Editor & Reporter @ 9News Nigeria