Reports of allergic reactions, bells palsy and conflicting opinions of many experts make the question difficult to answer. – Kit Knightly
There are dozens of articles all over the mainstream reassuring us that the brand new Sars-Cov-2 vaccine is safe. In the UK the vaccine rolled out is being hailed as “V Day”, in a shameless attempt to draw a parallel with World War II. Matt Hancock went on Good Morning Britain and attempted to “cry”.
On the other side of that coin, many experts in the field have vociferously called for all vaccine trials to be put on halt, some medical researchers are questioning the data and others counsel people to refuse the vaccine under any and all circumstances.

So – is the vaccine safe? The only rational answer is “we don’t know”.
It’s certainly true some people who have received it have experienced unexpected side effects.
It was recently revealed that 4 people involved in the US-based trial suffered partial facial paralysis. In the UK, two NHS staff who have received the vaccine suffered allergic anaphylactoid reactions, as a result the NHS is now not recommending the vaccine for anyone who “suffers from allergies”.
They don’t know what caused the reaction, and as far as we know so far, the people involved were not allergic to anything in the vaccine. It seems it’s not about being allergic to the vaccine, so much as the vaccine potentially causing problems for anyone with a sensitive or dysfunctional immune system.
It’s essentially recommended that no one who is allergic to anything, ie. other food or medication, should have the jab.
We’ve already had “explainers” appearing the media, saying vaccine allergic reactions are “rare and shortlived”.
To be clear, as of December 10th, the vaccine either has never been tested on, or is not recommended for:
- People under sixteen years of age.
- Pregnant women (or women intending to become pregnant in the near future).
- People with serious co-morbidities.
- People already taking other medications.
- People who have allergies.
So the official line already cedes that the vaccine may be harmful to some or all of those people.
Even on the fully-grown and totally healthy adults it was tested on, obviously, there has not been enough time to do any kind of long term studies on possible side-effects or complications It usually takes 5-10 years to fully develop and test a vaccine, where as this has been rushed out in less than 10 months.
On top of that, of course, we have the fact all the vaccine producers have campaigned for – and won – total legal immunity in the UK, US and other nations around the world.
In the event the vaccine does cause harm, Pfizer (and the producers of other vaccines), are immune from civil liability.
Which means that, just like us, the producers themselves are well-aware the new vaccines might not be safe, and don’t want a repeat of 2009, when a rushed-out flu vaccine resulted in children suffering life-long complications and receiving millions in damages.
In the final analysis, you have to ask yourself a simple question: Do you feel safer taking an untested vaccine, or risking getting a virus with a survival rate of over 99%?
Ask The Experts (Covid-19 Vaccine) – Now Banned on YouTube and Facebook