Chief Imam of Lagos State University, Amidu Sanni, on Monday urged Muslims to take advantage of the last days of Ramadan to increase their devotion and charity.
Sanni, who gave the advice in an interview with reporters in Lagos, said Allah answers prayers and requests more during the period
The cleric who spoke on the importance of the last 10 days of Ramadan, said the period offered Muslims an opportunity to atone for their sins and get bountiful blessings from Allah.
He said the period was significant as the Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammed, PBUH, in one of the last nights of Ramadan.
9News Nigeria reports that part of the statement; “The 97th chapter of Qur’an refers to the Night of Majesty, Lailatul Qadr, one of the five odd nights in the last 10 days of Ramadan, commemorates the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet.
“The night has a unique value such that any act of worship during the night carries the reward of over 1000 nights, that is, 84 years and three months.
“The final days of Ramadan also offer a Muslim the opportunity to go into a seclusion called I’tikaf outside his normal home at a mosque for at least a whole day and night before the Sallah to engage fully in acts of devotion.
“Moreover, the closing days of Ramadan offer the opportunity for increased acts of charity to the vulnerable and allow us to come together in group breaking of fasting, thereby improving social bonds, mutual love, and affection,” he said.
The university lecturer noted that Ramadan’s last days feature offering of Sadaqatul Fitr (end of Ramadan compulsory charity), usually given in the form of specific quantity of staple food items to the poor and the needy.
According to him, the charity is given on behalf of all family members for whose upkeep one is responsible during the period.
The cleric also said Zakat (alms giving/annual charity ) from savings, livestock, crops, property and others, is particularly rewarding during this period.
“Apart from its health advantages, Ramadan inculcates in the faithful the virtue of compassion and love for others, having experienced the effects of hunger and deprivation first hand.
“So, all Muslims should take advantage of the few days left to increase acts of devotion and charity as a preparation for maintaining the same virtues in months that follow.
“If one is disciplined enough to abstain from legitimate items during a specific time frame during the month, the hope is that keeping away from illegitimate things, even after Ramadan, should not be a problem,”he added