Gov. Aminu Tambuwal of Sokoto state has nominated Alhaji Manir Dan’iya as his deputy to replace Alhaji Ahmed Aliyu, who resigned on Nov. 13. Tambuwal disclosed this in a letter to the State House of Assembly presented at plenary on Wednesday by the Speaker, Alhaji Salihu Maidaji.“Following the vacancy created in the office of the Deputy Governor of Sokoto state by voluntary resignation of Alhaji Ahmed Aliyu.
“I wish to nominate Alhaji Manir Dan’iya as Deputy Governor in accordance with the provisions of section 191 (3) (c) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, for approval of the House of Assembly,” he said.
The lawmakers unanimously agreed to screen the nominee on Nov. 22, during plenary.
Aliyu, who is the All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship candidate for the 2019 poll in the state, resigned his position to enable him concentrate on his campaign.