Health Tips – Part 5 Kidney stones.

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Hello friends! We like to welcome you again to today’s serie on our series of health tips. Today, we shall be dealing with this very unfriendly health challenge called kidney stone. What are they? Symptoms, effect, solutions etc are all captured in today’s serie. Let’s enjoy.

What are Kidney Stones and how do they form?

Kidneys are the filtration plant of the human body. Sometimes all waste matter is not excreted through urine. Some salts or minerals if not excreted will form small pebbles and lodge themselves in the kidneys. The size may vary. The stones can be too tiny to see or more than an inch in size. Sometimes the stones stay in your kidneys and don’t cause any problems. Sometimes the stones leave your kidneys and travel down your urinary tract. If a stone leaves your kidney, it will either get stuck somewhere in your urinary tract or you will pee it out.

When stones travel in the urinary tract, they can cause pain and bleeding. If they get stuck, they also can cause an infection or block the flow of urine. If the flow of urine is blocked for a long time, the kidney can swell up enough and get damaged.

As stones travel through your urinary tract, they may be called different names based on where they are located:

▪️A stone in one of your ureters may be called a ureteral stone

▪️A stone in your bladder may be called a bladder stone

You’re more likely to get kidney stones if you’ve had one before, if they run in your family, or if you have certain health conditions like obesity, high blood pressure or gout.

Some medications, such as antiviral drugs, can increase your risk as well.

But for most people, it is not known why they happen.

There are many types of kidney stones, but most often they are made from calcium.

Types of Kidney Stones.

Calcium stones : They consists of Calcium, combining with Oxalate, Phosphate or Carbonate. The reason for this is, rise in calcium levels in the body.

Uric acid stones : They consists of Uric acid. The cause of these kind of stones is increase in the level of uric acid in the body.

Struvite stones : They consists of Calcium, Ammonium Phosphate and Magnesium. People with urinary tract infections are more prone to these kind of stones.

• Cystine stones : They consists of Cystine, Lysine, Arginine and Ornithine. People who are on diet with high level of amino acids are at risk of having Cystine stones.

Kidney stone pain.

The pain of kidney stones can be severe, although some people feel no pain. You usually feel it in your back, side, lower belly or groin. It is caused by the stone passing from your kidney to your bladder, or from your bladder to the outside world.

Kidney stone symptoms.

If you have kidney stones, you may also:

• have blood in your urine.

• feel sick in your stomach and vomiting.

• have a fever, hot and cold shivers or sweats.

• feel like you have gravel in your urine.

• feel like you need to pass urine often or urgently.

• painful urination or burning sensation when urinating.

• excruciating pains in the kidney.

• extreme pain on the sides of the lower back.

• If the stone causes an infection, your urine may be cloudy or smelly and you may have a fever.

• Stones in your bladder may cause pain in the lower abdomen (belly area).

• Stones in a kidney or ureter may cause back pain, usually in the area between your ribs and hip. The pain can also be across your belly and down between your legs. The pain is very severe and comes and goes.

Causes of Kidney Stones.

• Gout
• Cancer
• Diabetes
• Hypothyroidism
• Genetic factors
• Crohn’s disease
• Inflamed bowels
• High blood pressure
• Rise of Calcium in urine
• Imbalance in metabolism
• Not drinking enough water
• Excess of vitamins C and D
• Deficiency of water in body
• Improper functioning of the parathyroid gland

If not treated properly, Kidney stones may cause;
• Death
• Kidney Failure

Kidney stones diagnosis.

Tests for kidney stones include a urine test to look for blood and scans such as an simple x-ray and an ultrasound.
Your doctor may also do an imaging test called a CT scan. The CT scan is used to locate the stone and see if the stone is blocking your urinary tract.

Preventing kidney stones.

You can reduce the risk of getting a kidney stone by:

• drinking plenty of water.

• limiting drinks that contain phosphoric acid (which may be used to flavour cola and beer).

• avoiding or treating urinary tract infections quickly.

• limiting your intake of animal protein such as meat, chicken and eggs.

• drinking fruit juices, especially orange, grapefruit and cranberry.

• including dairy foods or alternatives in your diet.

• reducing your salt intake.

Herbal treatments of Kidney stones.

First and foremost, ensure you drink adequate amounts of clear fluid such as water. Drinking plenty of fluids is a vital part of passing kidney stones and preventing new stones from forming. Not only does the liquid flush out toxins, but it also helps move stones and grit through your urinary tract.

The excretion of gravel and stones from the kidneys can be stimulated through the action of some herbs as follows;

• Boil 50 grams Horse Gram. Add salt to taste. Have once a day.
This will break up the stone and the crystals will be eliminated with urine. Be prepared for painful urination. The jagged edges of the gravel may temporarily injure the urethra as they are forced out. But, not to worry, the healing is very fast.

• Basil contains acetic acid, which helps break down the kidney stones and reduce pain. It’s also full of nutrients. This remedy has been used traditionally for digestive and inflammatory disorders.
Take 10 fresh Basil leaves. Boil in one cup water on low flame. Add one teaspoon Honey. Drink it twice a day.

• You can add freshly squeezed Lemons to your water as often as you like. Lemons contain citrate, which is a chemical that prevents Calcium stones from forming. Citrate can also break up small stones, allowing them to pass more easily.

• Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid. Acetic acid helps dissolve kidney stones.
In addition to flushing out the kidneys, apple cider vinegar can help ease pain caused by the stones. There are numerous other health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

• Prepare a decoction of dried Stone root. Take half cup lukewarm decoction daily.

• Make a paste of Land caltrops seed powder with Honey. Take 1 teaspoon of it with warm Milk. Have it thrice a day.

• Dry Mango leaves in shade. Grind them and make a fine powder. Take half a teaspoon of powder daily with water. It breaks the stones and flushes them out.

• Horsetail has been used to increase urine flow to help to flush out kidney stones and can soothe swelling and inflammation. It also has antibacterial and antioxidant properties that aid in overall urinary health.

Herbal combination for kidney stones; Take a glass of water. Add 5 to 6 teaspoons each of fresh Lemon juice and Olive oil. Stir well. Drink it. Wait for half an hour. Again take a glass of water. Squeeze half lemon juice in it. Add a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar. Stir and drink it. Repeat this 4 to 5 times a day.

The bottom line:

Although it may be stressful or even uncomfortable, but it’s possible to pass a kidney stone on your own. Be sure to continue treatment until the stone passes, and don’t drink alcohol.

Most stones are small and come out on their own in the urine. Therefore, you can check for stones by urinating through a piece of stocking. If you do catch a stone, keep it in a clean jar so your doctor can find out what it is made from. Your medical technician can determine what kind of stone it is and then the dictor can help develop a targeted preventive or therapeutic plan to fight against the kidney stones formation in the future.

Be sure to talk to a professional herbalist or an homeopath before taking herbs or medications, some herbs may be harmful to your health if not handled well, so avoid self medication.

For the right selection of herbal medicines for kidney stones or any other ailments, you need the advice of a qualified herbalist or an homeopath. Always feel free to call and ask questions. We are here to help.

You can reach the clinical herbalist/homeopath Oluwafunmise on 08028366901 or 08183554665 or visit our website

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