An American Rapper, Kanye West has created his own Bible.
Kanye West’s Bible which he qualifies as the “Book of Modern Day” is formally known as the “Book of Yeezus”.
The modification in Genesis chapter one verse three read thus:
…and Kanye, said, “let there be light: and there was light”.
Verse 4:
And Kanye saw the light, that it was good: And Kanye divided the light from the darkness.
Verse 8:
And Kanye called the firmament Heaven. And evening and the morning were the second day.
The replacement of the word “God” to “Kanye” as seen in Genesis is done in like manner in every line, paragraph and verses in the whole Bible till Revelation.
The “Book of Yeezus” was first published in 2014 and made public in December 2021.