I have been reading Linda Ikeji’s blog for some time now but today is the very first time that I came across her full sized pictures and, when I did the first thing that struck me was, Wao, She Is BEAUTIFUL. Seeing how beautiful this modern day African Amazon impressed me much because it reminded me some of the filthy things that Wizkid said about her when they beefed each other.
Linda incurred Wizkid’s wrath just because she dared to do her job fearlessly.
During that time Wizkid disrespectfully called her an ugly woman among other things which I felt then were uncalled for.
However, looking at her Images on the Internet today it became abundantly clear to me that the great enterprising Entrepreneur and philanthropist is as beautiful as any beauty queen could be.
Moreover, Linda is not just a very beautiful woman rather, the most beautiful part of her life is her brain, smartness, her intelligence and caring heart. These qualities are the golden and diamond aspects of her personality.
They are the golden and diamond aspects of her life because these are the things about her that would out live her, things she would be remembered for when she is long gone to the yonder place.
When every man and woman are far gone and the beauty of the flesh perishes and is turned to manure to fertilize the soil, our contribution to the world – that’s what we gave back to humanity is what is remembered, and that is what counts.
This aspect of giving back to the society is what Amazon Linda Ikeji has done and will continue to do by the grace of God, the Almighty.
Anyone who have been following her project “I Would Rather Be A Self Made” would understand what I am talking about.
In conclusion, I want to encourage our youth to begin to pay attention to things that matters, things that has eternal value. Enough of these misplaced priority in our time and generation where the youth pay more attention to physical looks and pay little or no attention to intellectual, Godly-spiritual matters and moral values.
A student who wins the most beautiful girl pageant of a higher institution and fails to graduate or graduates with a very bad result has failed, that is so because that’s not the priority for going to the university.
Majority of our youths engage themselves in all kind of vices because their priorities are misplaced. Every one is after what the eyes can see and not that inner beauty which is priceless and surpasses every thing physical. This wrong priority has made a shipwreck of many lives and great destinies. Let me say this, the most celebrated people on earth today are not the most beautiful but the most impact-full.
Back to Wizkid, as much as I know that he is a very good looking chap, he should realize that he is only celebrated today because he is able to distinguish himself with his talent and not for his looks. And that ability to make good use of his talent is a function of the the mind, an intellectual prowess and has nothing to with his facial looks.
In addition to this, Wizkid was very wrong, Amazon Linda Ikeji is a very beautiful woman, she is not in any way ugly.
Finally, I want to say that my writing this piece belatedly is not in any way a deliberate attempt to open up old wounds, no, I only wrote this now in response to a current discovery.