The Student Union Government (SUG) social Director 2, Comrade Abdullahi Adedotun Olalekan Pka Rvee Dot Affirmed to the students that the protest won’t stop until our demands are met.
According to him, ” I see no reason why the school would end academic session when alots of final year students are yet to defend their projects which is known to be four/five units course in the school portal.
He Maintained that, free and fair election is part of the outlined demands, which means there should be proper handling over for the SUG and all other departments in the institution.
Comrade Isaac Aremu who was among the protesters stated that, this protest is a peaceful one that no one is here for any damages.
Issac said, “we refused to be intimidated and cajoled by the management of the school, all our Demands must be met. Some of the demands to be met are, Compensation for the family of Malik Omoty, Total Scrap of Obligatory fee, Good and well equipped Health facilities, Good scientific Laboratory and lots more.