Our Pastor didn’t raise anybody from dead, It was a stage play – Drama Department

By Samuel Abasiekong-Abasiekong

The drama department of Liberation Interdominational Ministry in Port Harcourt has come out to refute the viral post trending on the social media claiming that Pastor Fabian Nna of Fire of Liberation Interdominational Ministry at St Micheal’s Junction, Iwofe road, Port Harcourt raise a young man from the dead.

The drama department named, Liberation Theater, has gone to the church web page to explain what really happened in this tone: “We acted a stage play that sets the internet to fire. We return all Glory to God for the inspiration to preach His Word through acting.

This happened on Saturday 30th September during the day 1 of the church’s programme “Ebenezer 2023”

To dismiss condemnations and knocks raining on the Pastor seen on the post, the drama department of the church, said it was a way of demonstrating what God can do through the preaching of his word.

©️Samuel Abasiekong, French & English languages Journalist, Researcher, Public Affairs Analyst.
Here reporting @ 9newsng.com
Email: abasiekongabasiekong@gmail.com
+234 8062700985

9News Nigeria TV

About Samuel Abasiekong 1015 Articles
Samuel Abasiekong, Senior Journalist, Newspaper Publisher, Author of many literature text books, French-English, English-French languages Translator and Interpreter, Public Relations/Advertising Expert, Multi-sectoral Counsellor & Consultant, Nigerian Red Cross Society Volunteer, News Editor & Reporter @ 9News Nigeria www.9newsng.com www.facebook.com/9NewsNG