Provoking Thoughts From Queen’s Burial-Few Things That Need To Be Corrected In Nigeria (Read Through)

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9News Nigeria

From Princely Onyenwe

The burial of Queen Elizabeth 11 has truly exposed a whole lots of points to talk about to enable NIGERIANs and AFRICANs at large understand that indeed greatness is in simplicity.

As an investigative personel, I followed the burial activities of the Late Queen Elizabeth the second, 1926-2022, and humbly observed the following points below:

A Queen of England was buried and nobody turned the ceremony to a trade fair of selling all forms of Ankara materials.

A queen was buried and Apams was not invited to come and practice acrobatics with the coffin of the departed. A queen was buried and in about an hour the service was done.

A queen was buried and the Archbishop didn’t turn the meeting to a crusade ground.

A queen was buried and the female friends of the grand children didn’t appear in pants and bra to commiserate with their friends.

A queen was buried, and offering was not collected 4 times to appease the 4 angels that recieved dead people in heaven.

A queen was buried and the church council did not wait until all outstanding tithes and pledges were paid in full before fixing a burial date.

Whatever happened to Africa is what I don’t want to know but I wish sane minds picked a lesson or two on how to conduct ourselves in all we do.

Meanwhile, can you believe that the coffin used to burry her was a locally made gasket built with the natural oak planted in the palace.The ambulance was just a simple old school london car not a prado jeep.Can you also believe that the family were among the founders of Anglican Church?

But over here, NIGERIANs are photo copying the opposite of what their colonial masters are practicing thinking maybe we are richer and wealthier than the Britons.I had thought that the Northern hemisphere are the original tribes of the European dynasty while the other regions were merely baptized with the adoption of English language as a liqua fanca.

There are other traditional practices the white does but over here, we call it outdated and have continued to wallow in ignorance.

In addition, recall there was travel ban and heads of state and their partners from each country were reportedly been banned from travelling via helicopters or their own state cars. Instead, they are being encouraged to fly into the UK on commercial flights.

Note that Head of states arrived and departed in escorted coaches from a site in west London, according to documents obtained by 9News.

We don’t need to do away with our originations!! This is a deep thought originated from Ambassador Princely Onyenwe.

9News Nigeria (Owerri)For inquiries on this news contact 9News Nigeria Imo State @08036856526

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About Princely Onyenwe 2676 Articles
Princely Onyenwe A seasoned Investigative Journalist, Civil Rights Activist, and Political Analyst, Currently Editor and News reporter with 9News Nigeria