By Prince MacDonald Enwere
I have no intention of throwing opprobrious spanner or pouring acidic venom on you for any reason at all.
I bear you no malice or ill-will but in view of your disgraceful removal as the majority leader of Imo state House of Assembly and given the fact that those you ran to and embraced with your two hands have finally thrown you under the bus and dumped you, I realy feel for you.
They trickly brought you to the dinning table, shown you a savory aromatic and palatable pudding and ended up serving you with crumps that failed down from the table.
They removed you unceremoniously and turned back to brand you “insubordination” and “arrogant”.
Even though they mistook your vain delusions and gluttonous appetite for power for insubordination and arrogance, but they shouldn’t have humiliated you in such a disgraceful manner. They fooled you, used you, dumped you and called you “asu- awuru” . They succeeded because you refused to build a consolidated and robust antecedent for yourself, instead, you betrayed your conscience and conspired against your “chi” like the proverbial “Nwanza” . Now they have caged you, you have lost your sweet and golden voice, you can’t make ‘pim’ again because they are holding you at the jugular. They are like a bug perched at the scrotum.
The truth is that you condescended to the cheapest sycophantic ebb amid irredeemable depravity. It marvels people like us that you can because of survivalist instinct and stomach infrastructure decide to sell your blue ribbon and hard earned name and reputation built over the years.
Now the chickens have come home to roost and the writing is on the wall. They have laid ambush against you, the signs are there for all to see.
Like Icarus the Greek, you flew too high and too close to the sun with your wax wings, puffed up and fuelled by your hubris and pride and now you are hovering around looking for where to perch. My problem with you is that you allowed your enemies to use you as a lesson and correctional reference point. My prayer is that let my enemies never use me as a lesson or correctional reference point.
The problem is that you failed to recognize the hand of God in your political circumstances. You decided to build your prospection around men who have no control of the future. You failed to realize that God alone rules in the affairs of men. You failed to heed to wise counsel, see where you are today.
But I have a good news for which you can take as your take-away. There is still more grace for you if you can realize the supreme power of God. You can’t play politics in everything. God is still interested in your future only if you can amend and retrieve your steps.
9News Nigeria (Owerri)
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