Why Sex Videos Would Lead Many Souls To Hell

7 Things You Should Always Do After Having Sex, your body and mind will thank you for it
7 Things You Should Always Do After Having Sex, your body and mind will thank you for it

A few weeks later, a sex video made by school pupils involving a 10-year old girl was trending.

So assuming the video was a mistake on the little girl’s part which she later regrets having never known the full implications of her actions initially, how would she be able to move on from it later on in life even if she sincerely repents of it?

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That’s why making sex videos even when someone was yet living a sinful lifestyle isn’t wise at all, because it would almost be impossible for the person involved to move on with her life, even if she has truly amended her ways and stopped such sinful acts, because she cannot stop her actions in the video from being replayed and possibly being used against her in the future and for the rest of her life.

To better illustrate, someone else who made a sex video several years ago, a celebrity called Kim K, was reported to have cried because her son Saint had seen a ad aired on TV about her alleged sextape.

Now it wasn’t even that her son had seen the video, but just that he’d seen an ad which joked about the video she made a long time ago. Yet it moved her to tears, how much more if he had seen it?

That’s what sex videos can do to anyone who does them.

She appears to have long moved on from it, and also regrets her actions, but her sex videos have not moved on with her but are there to hunt her for the rest of her life.

This should serve as a warning to all those who care to listen. Even if you’re still a sinner, never make sex videos!

If you do, it could further complicate matters for you and make it very difficult for you to repent and move on from your past sinful life.

Moreover it could still be leading others into sin and eventually to hell, even when you’re no longer here and have long departed this Earth.

That’s why you should try by all means to avoid falling into the temptation of making sex videos…

Better still, repent and surrender your life to God and begin to use your body to glorify Him instead of sin and the devil.

That would eliminate the chances of being involved in a sex video, so you wouldn’t have to worry about such things.

God bless.

Credict : Jesusjr2020

9News Nigeria TV

About Wisdom Nwedene 12212 Articles
Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com