Following the devastating September flood in Maiduguri, Borno State Governor, Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum, has approved the rehabilitation of Mohammed Lawan College of Agriculture (MOLCA).
The school was destroyed by the flood.
During an inspection visit, the governor approved a total of N1 billion, comprising N500 million for running costs and an additional N500 million in cash support for the school.
The project will include essential repairs, academic facility enhancements, and modern teaching tools to provide a conducive learning environment for students.
Also in addition, Governor Zulum approved financial support for the staff and students affected by the flood disaster.
Each of the 197 staff members will receive N200,000, while the students , numbering 937 will get N100,000 each.
The governor charged the management of the college to invest the N500 million in revenue-generating ventures to become self-reliant.