Ndigbo are great entrepreneurs.
Internationally, their commercial & trading strategy & instinct are second to none.
The net worth of igbo apprenticeship scheme is estimated to worth billions of Naira in the arena of trade & commerce.
The quantum leap of the apprenticeship scheme was made possible by the export of the scheme to other parts of the world & especially in Nigeria to other regions.
Such a leap would not have been possible if Ndigbo had remained in their enclave & had not migrated & mixed freely with other ethnic nationalities of Nigeria.
This is where the Unity in diversity mantra played a significant role in the life of average igbo business person. Although the scheme was exported outside the shores of Nigeria by Ndigbo it’s impact in Nigeria can’t be over emphasized.
The social & economic impact & the effectiveness of unity in diversity mantra lead to the peaceful export of the apprenticeship scheme to other parts of the country & would have lead to the consolidation of the quest for igbo presidency if not for the spanner thrown into it by separatist Movements & some folks who were brainwashed to accept that ndigbo will achieve a better standard of living if the exit from Nigeria.
The apprenticeship scheme & the unity in diversity mantra are good combination that would have jointly & severally facilitate the realisation of the igbos dream to becoming the President of Nigeria. Coupled with preaching & showcasing our ability to do greater things if given the opportunity, as exemplified by our strategic initiative of the apprenticeship scheme, since we are evenly spread across the country & living in peace with other tribes our demand would have been given overwhelming support by every ethnic group.
The quest for Igbo presidency would have been a forgone conclusion if Ndigbo maintained their peaceful posture with other ethnic groups & continue to be the whiz kids in trading & other profit oriented commercial cum economic venture.
Long live Ndigbo of Nigeria.
By Mr Oliver Okeke