Two Pro-Biafra Movements, MASSOB and BIM want UN to conduct referendum in Nigeria

The Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB).
Two pro-Biafra groups, the Move­ment for the Actu­alisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) and the Biafra Indepen­dence Movement (BIM) have called on the United Nations (UN) to urgently conduct referendum for Biafra independence.
Chief Canice Anujuru and Chief Okechukwu Nwogu, leader of MAS­SOB in Owerri zone and member MASSOB Elders’ Council respectively made the call yesterday while briefing journalists in Ow­erri to mark the 17th an­niversary of formation of MASSOB in Owerri.
Anujuru maintained that conducting referen­dum for the independence of Biafra was long overdue, adding that the suffering currently faced by Nigeri­ans was because the gov­ernment of Nigeria had refused to support the freedom of Biafra people.
According to Anujuru, “UN gave MASSOB ob­server status since the year 2000 and since then, MASSOB has been pros­ecuting its campaign for the independence of Bi­afra in a non-violent man­ner.”

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