Anglican Girl’s Guild Showered Award Of Honour On Amb. Princely Onyenwe/ Five (5) Members Of The Group Empowered

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9News Nigeria

9News Nigeria (Owerri)

The girl’s guild of Holy Trinity Anglican Church Nekede in Owerri West local government area of Imo state Nigeria has honoured Ambassador Princely Onyenwe of 9News Nigeria a distinguished award.

The event took place during a combined church service earlier on sunday 12-06-2022 at the Holy Trinity Church auditorium Nekede.

The vicar, Ven Solomon Azubuike earlier adviced the church of God to live by the the examples of our Lord Jesus Chris who he said is the faith of christianity all over the world.

In his words, Ven Azubuike anchored his teachings on the characteristics of ungodly rulers. He said that ungodly rulers base their conducts on greed while maintaining that greed is a cankerworm that is highly potent and can destroy both it’s owners and the people around them.

He further adviced the Girl’s Guild and the entire members to develope the ability to be contented with a heavenly focus which will continously destroy the potentials of greed in the life of Christians.

The girl’s guild group were told to behave in Godly manner in all endeavours to enable them become useful in the church and to the betterment of the society.

In furtherance, the award recipient, Ambassador Princely Onyenwe thanked the church for finding him fit for such a wonderful award. He however empowered five members of the girl’s guild, one from each town of Umuoma Nekede Autonomous community in Owerri West.

9News Nigeria (Owerri) For inquiries on this news contact 9News Nigeria Imo State @08036856526

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About Princely Onyenwe 2701 Articles
Princely Onyenwe A seasoned Investigative Journalist, Civil Rights Activist, and Political Analyst, Currently Editor and News reporter with 9News Nigeria