Snr Prophet Joseph Ejemenye Receives 9News Nigeria’ Humanitarian Award In Ekpoma Edo State.
By Emmanuel Atseyinku (9News Nigeria)
Yesterday 25th October 2020, The Founder of All For His Grace Ministries, Ekpoma Edo State, Senior Prophet Joseph Ejemenye Bagged 9News Nigeria”Humanitarian Award” In Acknowledgement of his Remarkable Achievement As Christ Ambassador and his Selfless Service to humanity, human Capital development,As well as Humanitarian Services that has touched so many lives in Nigeria
Snr Prophet Joseph Ejemenye Receives the Award during his church service on Sunday 25th October 2020 in Ekpoma Edo State, during the services, A pastor who came from Uromi Received A car gift from the Prophet.
Alot of Persons who benefited from the ministry also shared their testimonies, The mummy G.o (Prophet’s wife) also Appreciate God for the Award and also thanking 9News Nigeria for finding her husband worthy for an Award
All the church members were very happy for the Award for their Prophet’s good works.
Also speaking with some of the Youths who the prophet paid their school fees
They were all filled with joy to see their Prophet given a merit Award
Snr Prophet Joseph Ejemenye Appreciate God and also thank 9News Nigeria for the Award.