Call For Ceasefire In Russia/Ukraine Heightens As Killings Of Innocent Civilians Uncountable (Photos)

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Photo: Civilians killed in Bucha, Ukraine

By Princely Onyenwe, Abuja

Relating the scenario to NIGERIAN content, Our standards for humanity must be consistent. If the killing of innocent civilians is wrong in Nigeria, it should also be wrong in Ukraine.

The photo in this sotry represents the level of civilians killed in Bucha, Ukraine by the Russian soldiers. Supprisingly, this is happening at a time the international Community has approached both Russian and Ukraine presidents to ceasefire.

This is because Vladimir Putin alllegedly has his target and is not getting is right to have continued in such a fight against Ukraine. On the other side, the Ukraine Government are not ready to throw in the towel as gathered by 9News Nigeria.

Pundits have posited that this war maybe the beginning and the end of Russian power. It may also take Russian Government many years to get back to what they have lost.

The war is affecting Russia more than Ukraine economically and otherwise reducing Russians International status to return as a world power.

The UN secretary of defense stated that the war may take years against Putin. And borrowing a leaf from the statement, Russians thought that the war will end in hours to secure the former soviet union but it is obvious the extent it has reached.

Research has it that the game is turning around against Russians. Ukraine was Russia before the cold war but after the war the soviet union disintegrated but Putin want to bring together all the countries that broke out of soviet union, our source revealed.

Relating the scenario to NIGERIAN content, Our standards for humanity must be consistent. If the killing of innocent civilians is wrong in Nigeria, it should also be wrong in Ukraine.

We have to take a consistent stand for humanity.

Our reliable source revealed that Last weekend, the largest-scale shooting in more than two years in the United States unfolded.

Nine shootings across the United States left eight people dead and more than 60 others injured. However, no one considers the United States unsafe.

Here is why:

A feeling of safety and security is not the absence of violence.

A feeling of safety and security is the psychological perception that the system works.

While no society should condone violence, a people’s sense of security comes from what happens after the violence.

For example, rapid and massive police and first responders’ presence in less than 2 minutes, med flights (helicopters) to take victims to the hospital in less than five minutes, and investigations that almost certainly guarantee perpetrators will face justice.

The absence of these in Nigeria is a big part of why Nigeria is considered unsafe.

Let the war Cease!!

9News Nigeria (Owerri) For inquiries on this news contact 9News Nigeria Imo State @08036856526

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About Princely Onyenwe 2678 Articles
Princely Onyenwe A seasoned Investigative Journalist, Civil Rights Activist, and Political Analyst, Currently Editor and News reporter with 9News Nigeria