In a tragic turn of events, a Chinese national, Geng Quandong, has been sentenced to death by hanging for the murder of his girlfriend, Ummukulsum Sani Buhari, known as Ummita, in Kano.
The Kano State High Court in North Western region, presided over by Justice Sunusi Ado Ma’aji, delivered the verdict on Tuesday, March 26, at Miller Road, Bompai, Kano State.
Quandong, 47, was quilty of culpable homicide, an offense punishhable by death under the section 221 of the Penal Code Law of Kano State and convicted for fatally stabbing 23-year-old Ummita during altercation at her family’s residence on September 16, 2022.
Quandong a Chinese business man, angered by Ummita marriage to another man, forcibly entered her home at Janbulo quarters, Kumbotso local government area and committed the heinous act.
The victim’s mother recounted the hallowing ordeal, detailing how Geng attacked her before proceeding to murder Ummita.
During the Court proceedings, Geng expressed his grievance, claiming Ummita’s marriage to another person shattered and frustrated his plans for their future together.
He revealed significant investments he made in their relationship, including lavish wedding preparations and financial support for various ventures.
Despite Geng’s assertions, the Court upheld the severity of his actions, ultimately handing down the capital punishment for his crime.
The brutal murder of the promising young lady who was serving a one-year mandatory term with the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria, sparked outrage and anger by many.
Earlier, the mother of the deceased who was shocked and sober disclosed that the Chinese man initially shoved her to the ground upon her opening the door for him after he had reportedly banged on it. She promptly rushed to her daughter’s room where he promptly stabbed her and leaving her lifeless body on the ground.
-9News Nigeria.