Ex- Governor’s Daughter Struck By Thunder, Hospitalized (Photos)

Daughter of Chief Victor Omololu Olunloyo, former Governor of Oyo State, Dr Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo has cheated death after surviving an attack by thunder at her residence early today.

The controversial blogger said the incident happened eary this morning during the storm and that she was struck just behind her house where she sat and was washing her clothes on a table.

She said the attack was so lethal that she lost consciousness and had to be resuscitated by people around her. She said what saved her was her knowlege of how to respond when thunder strikes. ” I drived to the ground fast before it hit the ground. It hit the table I was washing on. My heart stopped for 20 sconds and I was revived” she said.

She is currently recuperating from the incident. She related that her doctor came in later and prescribed anxiolytic medicine to calm her nerves and palpitation. “I slept for 4 hours. I feel like I died and I returned. My dad said I have 9 lives and today he is right”, she said and advised Nigerians to always stay indoors when there is thunder and lightening.

See her statment below:

1. This morning at 8:06am I was struck by lightning behind my house in an early morning storm. It was a bolt the whole city saw. I dived to the ground fast before it hit the ground. It hit the table I was washing on. My heart stopped for 20 secs and was revived. #hnnenvironment

2. My doctor prescribed anxiolytic meds to calm my nerves & palpitations. I slept 4 hours. I feel like I DIED and returned. My dad says I have 9 lives and today he’s right. I’m still shaken. PLS stay indoors in any storm regardless of obvious lightning or not. Thx to everyone”, she said.

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About Wisdom Nwedene 12241 Articles
Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com