If all are not linked to criminal acts, why not return them to owners -9NEWS NIG


“If you take a knife from a crying child, give him milk” – African proverb

The poor in Nigeria are all in self help. Governments everywhere in Nigeria provide no enabling environment for citizens to go about their daily struggle in their communities overtaken by insecurity of lives and properties. Very little or no public concern about electricity, water. Outrageous fees to access public schools, public health facilities. Unemployment rate is at all times high.

What is Nigerian Governments actually providing for its citizens? Aside from loosing their love ones to insecurities almost on daily basis, hunger, poor health because they can afford good medicare, what else does the government provide?

If the government see farming, selling goods in a market or working in a public office as a legitimate business, those who use motorcycles to convey people from one point to another as means of transportation are in a legit business too.

Although some miscreants use these motorcycles for some vicious purposes, but majority of motorcyclists in Abuja are not criminals.

Like in the Federal Capital Territory – Abuja where the Federal Government intends to destroy all motorcycles seized from motorists, 9NEWS NIGERIA calls for re-examination of cases related to each motorcycle they want to destroy. Where some are not related to criminality, they should be released to the owners.

Let’s not make it a tradition to oppress the poor because they don’t have anybody to speak for them.

It always called for questions when governments at the centre or in States take pleasure in seeing the masses in tears.

Often times, demolitions, seizures and claims made by governments on private individuals properties negate their seeming claims to protect lives and properties. More often than not, the masses wonder whether governments are not administered by humans, or in the reverse, does someone in power thinks those they or he is governing are animals?

In Nigeria, where over 80% of all men and women in public offices are there to steal and milk public treasuries dry, they should let the poor breathe.

In Nigeria, government does virtual nothing for the utmost interest of the poor if they won’t have over 60% interest to gain in what they want to do.

In Nigeria, an appointment or election into a public office in not to serve the public, it’s rather a short cut to wealth for the appointee at the detriment of those whom he was sent to serve or represent.

Few make the exception, but majority are not pro-human in their dealings with the masses in public offices.

where citizens have already lost trust on political appointees, political elected officers and all managers of Nigeria common patrimony, they should allow the poor breathe.

9News Nigeria TV

About Samuel Abasiekong 1012 Articles
Samuel Abasiekong, Senior Journalist, Newspaper Publisher, Author of many literature text books, French-English, English-French languages Translator and Interpreter, Public Relations/Advertising Expert, Multi-sectoral Counsellor & Consultant, Nigerian Red Cross Society Volunteer, News Editor & Reporter @ 9News Nigeria www.9newsng.com www.facebook.com/9NewsNG