If You Are The Poorest Amongst Your Siblings Or You’re Not Doing Well Financially, Avoid Family Gathering Until You Have Money – Nigerian Lady Lolo Nneka Says


If you know you are the poorest amongst your siblings or you aren’t doing well financially, I recommend that you avoid family occasions or gathering until you have money, If you must attend, kindly sit at a corner like a visitor.

Let the people that are serving the food and souvenir serve you like one of the guests, so you don’t end up embarrassing yourself.

Do not go close to where the food and drinks are being served, sit at a corner and observe.

Stop setting yourself up for insults.

9News Nigeria TV

About James Moses 2711 Articles
James Moses is a 9News Nigeria news correspondent reporting from Jos, Plateau State. He is an experienced writer, journalist and blogger. He is passionate and flair for Politics, Sports and Entertainment reporting. Contact James Moses via his email address: jjmoses00@gmail.com