Protest: Ideato People Request Immediate Issuance Of Certificates To Members-Elect, Call On Festus Okoye To Resign

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9News Nigeria

From Princely Onyenwe

Protest: The Ideato people of Imo state Nigeria are requesting in fullness the immediate issuance of certificates to members-elect at the just concluded Imo House of Assembly Election which took place on the 18th day of March in the year 2023.

They however call on festus Okoye to resign his appointment as INEC Commissioner of Imo state, having allegedly spotted with Same-Same partner Ugochinyere, who they said was frustrating APC at National and His Home State In Imo State.

At a crowded protest going on in Owerri at the time of this report by 9News Nigeria (Owerri), Okoye was allegedly doing the bidding of Tambuwal and the People’s Democratic Party PDP who nominated him as INEC Commissioner, the protesters chanted.

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Okoye was also allegedly fingered in the withholding of Ideato North and South Certificates of Return as cliamed by the protesters.

The group stated that the neutrality of Mr. Festus Okoye Esq as an electoral umpire can no longer be ascertained as the delay has raised a lot of eye brows and mix- feelings.

Sources revealed that it is Festus Okoye who is now doing the bidding of his Same-Same Partner, Mr. Ugochinyere Ikenga who now seem controlling the INEC in the state to dish out instruction on what to do.

They added that two members-elect from the area were validly declared as winners and legally returned elected by the LGA Electoral Officer but still were withheld at the instance of Ugochinyere Ikenga as those issuing the certificates who is assumed playing the role of an order from Abuja, presumably from the stables of Mr. Festus Okoye.

The group further added the dirty dealings of Okoye who is unduly trying to using his position in INEC to subvert the popular WILL of the people in Imo State, most especially at Ideato Nation.

Ideato protesters brandishing placards

In there words, “Mr. Festus Okoye should know that his game is up and hands off the popular mandates of ndị Ideato Nation given by their representatives who they voted overwhelmingly during the last State Assembly elections in Imo.

From the reaction of the protesters met on ground by our correspodents in Owerri, the group hailed from the election trouble zone while expressing dissatisfaction of the delay in announcement by INEC.

Ndi Ideato North and south are seriously demanding for the immediate issuance of certificates of return to members-elect who according to them have emerged winners at the March 18th election.

While speaking with our News men at the scene along Owerri PortHarcourt road in Imo state, the crowd of protesters chanted that Festus Okoye must be made to know that the people can no longer watch at his delay game plan.

They finally hinted that INEC Commissioner Okoye is creating suspicion by the delay bedevilling the election results in the area.

In conclusion, they ideato protesters also alleged that Imo INEC Commissioner is undermining their collective mandate and therefore must be called to order possibly through this medium to retract from his delay tactics.

Ugochinyere Ikenga cannot detect for INEC Boss Okoye and His team on what to do as it concerns Imo state elections. The results of Ideato must be pronounced, the protesters reiterate.

9News Nigeria (Owerri) For inquiries on this news contact 9News Nigeria Imo State @08036856526

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About Princely Onyenwe 2724 Articles
Princely Onyenwe A seasoned Investigative Journalist, Civil Rights Activist, and Political Analyst, Currently Editor and News reporter with 9News Nigeria