- In a letter to the lawyer, the group accused her of making shabby living from criticising and race grifting against ethnic white Europeans and culture.
- It further added that Adeshola and her family members would be killed. The letter read, “This is National Action London Cell – We are watching you.
- “Shola you are a constant troublemaker and liar who appears on television frequently. You make a shabby living from criticising and race grifting against ethnic white Europeans and our culture.
- We have placed you on our kill list and intend to kill you, your children and your husband. You have gone too far and it is now time for you to pay the price.
Some members of a banned group in the United Kingdom, National Action, have threatened Adeshola Mos-Shogbamimu, a British-Nigerian lawyer and academic. National Action is a neo-Nazi group that was established in 2013 and has branches across the UK.
The group accused her of making shabby living from criticising and race grifting against ethnic white Europeans and culture.
It was however proscribed following an assessment that it was “concerned in terrorism.”The group’s online propaganda material, disseminated via social media, frequently features extremely violent imagery and language. National Action also promoted and encouraged acts of terrorism after Jo Cox’s murder.
“You are a filthy ugly troublemaking nigger. You look like a gorilla and probably smell just like one. What is that thing on your head, it looks like a turd, a big lump of shit. We are looking forward to seeing your blood spill.“You are somebody who should never be allowed to breathe our air and take up space in our country. You are a dreg of the multicultural society, a filthy ugly African black monkey. A lying Yoruba, monkey who lives in a nice house with a nice big garden. We are watching you. We have followed you around We know your movements.“This in a serious notice from National Action London, We are notifying you of our intention to kill you and your family. We do not consider this to be murder, you are all filthy parasitic monkeys; We have guns and knives; We are watching your house. We will be following you as you walk around your area.“You have been allowed into this country and you have no place here. You are a woman who clearly belongs in Africa with your own filthy kind. You have a nice house in we suggest you leave the UK ASAP. This is the only way you can avoid what is coming to you. You need to hide because your details have been circulated to others on the internet, violent nationalist activists. Blackshirts and others, It is only a matter of time Adeshola before you receive your punishment, your execution.”