Revealed: Umuoma Nekede Remains Peaceful As Factions & Miscommunicated Issues Cannot Divide The Land

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By Princely Onyenwe, Abuja

The Traditional stool of Umuoma Nekede is a supreme entity .Both the Umuoma Royal Cabinet (URC) & the Umuoma People’s Assembly (UPA) and the beloved Citizens have to take this fact seriously as a reference point to guide their notions.

This call came to our News desk few days after a respected elder of Umuezerokam town in Umuoma Nekede Autonomous community, in the person of Elder UK Amadi was reportedly invited by the Nekede/Ihiagwa Police Division and later charged to court due to a case of impersonating a very Sacred Title & “Breach of Peace”.

Although Prior charging to court , the Peace officers implored the case to be internally resolved but all to no avail.

We saw a one sided Media publication all through the early stages of the case prior going to court which was also brought to Court unprofessionally.

We 4 We media was seen electronically media covering without the judges permission.

We 4 We Media representative in the person of Mr Valentine Amadi aka (frakas Magadine) ,aka (Valmedia Pinnaclefilms )was immediately reprimanded for court illegality and prohibited actions Punishable by Law.

But the pronouced Mezie Umuoma faction among other coded groups did not make loud of this anomalous act to at least douse some tensions being exhibited in the community as a separatist’s entity.

It may interest our readers to note that Mr Val Amadi of We4We media was detained by the Ihiagwa magistrate court and was detailed for one month imprisonment.

It was by the Interventions of the gods of goodwill and temper of appeal for clemency by the learned counsels in the court, particularly Barrister Uroegbulam who happens to be an indigenous legal practitioner from Nekede, eased the tension and pleaded for his discharge.

It is good for the people to know the exact position before our notions are being diverted and controlled by favouritism and rancor.

A fault spotted in the Administration of Umuoma Nekede was the hastened action by the royal cabinet to move to court in a matter that would have been addressed (Maybe for fear of not becoming the defendants) or resolved by the Royal Cabinet which serves as a separate arm of traditional adminstration from HRH Eze Morrison S. Eke PhD as The Executive Entity.

HRH Eze Dr Morrison S.Eke PhD is a traditional Ruler/ Executive Arm of the Body and not a cabinet or Peoples’ Assembly member. His functions as a tradional ruler is limited inline to the edict of the constitution and the final order as tradition permits.

In a functional society it is expected of the administrative arms of government to be independent from the Palace.

Also the palace has to be consulted with due neutrality and deserving respect.

The palace is not a place of remittance of community resources neither is it a place of war or mis-governance.

But the status of the traditional arms of government have to be very proactive and efficiently constituted to administer leadership to the people while the palace remains the last resort.

9News investigative team found out that both the Umuoma People’s Assembly and the Umuoma Royal Cabinet have derailed in their public responsibilities and this has ridiculed the traditional Leadership in Umuoma Nekede.

Factions of the community have condemned the way and manner the palace is addressing community matters in the Royal Palace while there are existing arms of administration in existence.

Issues should be left for the other arms of government of Umuoma to deal with and forward to the Executive for Veto if no solution is reached.

Both wings or arms of government must deal with the matters arising before demanding for the approval of the Monarch in the community.

Without fear or favour, it is condemnable of Elder UK Amadi to parade his Nzeship title in Umuoma Nekede without proper conferment and Endorsement by the Monarch of the Umuoma community, where he comes from.

It is also condemnable of the royal cabinet of Umuoma to take the matter to such a length, a matter that would have been resolved within the community by their office and copy to the Monarch for endorsement.

But in all, I thank God that Pa UK has resorted to the Umuoma Royal Cabinet where he pleaded for peace and settlement outside the court, perhaps requested for an Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR.

But Let us remember that the Police & the Court are both Civil ways to resolve dispute and that the Latter are in Order.

Furthermore, the Umuoma Peoples’ Assembly under PRESIDENT General Uche NWANERI is implored to step up in his discharge of official responsibilities in the community as expected.

In summary, the position of the president general and few executives were established by the orders of Imo state Government ably led by His Excellency Senator Hope Uzodinma and as a matter of fact, any call for impeachment of Community Government Officials at this pressing moment will be thrown to the mud and cannot hold any water.

The good policies that brought the unity and reconciliation should not be trampled upon by greed, sectionalism, factionalism and cartelism’

This administrative arm should call for meetings and not to exhibit and parade factional interests.

The recent administration should schedule the best way to execute the revenue policy and sharing method and in the same manner not to fault its application by recieving cash from unapproved agents, developers, community heads, families and setting groups of taskforce unknown to the community.

The UPA is trying to salvage the community through the execution of various Development policies. But how many of such good ideas has flourished?

Information reveales that people have swallowed alot and planning tough for an impeachment of the Legislation.

This fact has delayed the general meetings of Umuoma since the traditional ruler scheduled for his welcome address few days after his arrival from the United States.

The recently elected town leaders are even turning to be the worst set by the exhibition of laissez-faire attitudes and volatile application of governance.

In few areas they have tried but the desirable need of Umuoma in their respective domains must be the most paramount.

It is unfortunate to not that the New tenure which is barely one year has brought about separations here and there in the name of power control.

Such desperate entities should also be informed that absolute power intoxicates & corrupts. Mezie Umuoma must not divide the community or set the traditional stool ablaze.

A tenure that does not see anything meaningful in rendering the statement of accounts to the central body UPA.

Also, the palace workers just like the personal assistant to the Monarch should be guided by laws concerning the community and not to take laws into his hand.

The work of the personal assistant to His Royal Highness is a tedious assignment that not any person can do. The present Personal Assistant is really trying and should not be taken for granted.

Permission by the administrative arms which are the URC and UPA must be seeked prior letting out of Orders.

Without doubts, Umuoma Nekede is Great and the people are friendly but the two arms of government have to take up legitimate responsibilities to improve the land.

Unarguably, the Factions (Mezie Umuoma) and others Should be asked to let the Rule of Law take due Process and stop breaching peace & dividing the community.

Formation of interest groups should not be used as a tool to distract community government or to divert the general resources to private pockets or be used to blasphem the Monarch as an individual.

Imperially the position of the traditional ruler is not contestable and therefore demand to be respected by all groups of person under his watch as an Eze till death.

The sovereign rank, dignity and office of the traditional ruler must be completely respected or face the force to be exerted on the mass of a body by a gravitational field, which is the wrath of the Land.

As the name (Umuoma) implies, the people are good and hospitable and deserve the right direction of administration and protection of human rights.

The Umuoma community has to grow in our time as a lasting legacy. Umuoma Nekede is indeed a great home for generational settlement. It is a home of peace and comfort.

Umuoma is safe and lively and subsequent generations will be proud we did we lived up to Our Name.

It behooves on the people of Umuoma Nekede to put their land in good order to enjoy the long lasting benefits therein.

It is worthy of note that Omadike’s traditional palace in Umuoma Nekede Autonomous community is one of the best in Igboland embellished with naturalness, magnificence and cultural value. We have to be proud of our home.

A call in the right direction is to see the Royal Palace as a separate entity governed by the Executive Body being the “Monarch”while the administrative wings as mentioned in this piece must rise up to take responsibilities to salvage and give good account of Umuoma Nekede.

The time to rise up is now and all hands must positively be on deck as a team and not as Factions.

A chi aboola!!

9News Nigeria (Owerri) For inquiries on this news contact 9News Nigeria Imo State @08036856526

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About Princely Onyenwe 2718 Articles
Princely Onyenwe A seasoned Investigative Journalist, Civil Rights Activist, and Political Analyst, Currently Editor and News reporter with 9News Nigeria