The high rate of clamouring for Igbo 2023 Presidency calls for attention on “whether the Igbo’s don’t deserve to rule Nigeria”, it leaves some questions unanswered after the Biafra /Nigeria (1967-1970) civil war . Could it be a mere occurrence that there has never been a President from the S.East, and if not, why do we have to wait for 53 years before the clamour for their Presidential seat?. This calls for questioning to what brought about the change of interest.

The fact that one of the main reason could be a tactics to hold the igbos back in the country and slow down their agitation for freedom should not be over looked.
Should it be taken as a mere coincident that the Igbo Presidency came into limelight the exact time the agitation for Referendum heated up among the igbos around the world? .
At first, it was only the Igbo’s who were clamouring for restructuring, but as the situation of the country progress to an unbearable State, some other tribes started making contributions towards that, which brought about the quest for Referendum.
This Anticipated 2023 igbo Presidency, could it be a means to hold the Igbo’s back in the country as there could never be a smoke without fire? hence the question,’ come 2023, can Igbo presidency come true?, upon the answer to the above question being positive, leads to another question. Is Igbo President the Messiah that Nigerians need? or is it a distraction from the action that needs to be taken.
In a situation where by an Igbo President could be the messiah to save the country, calls for questioning on the need of not making it happen earlier than now?,, and if so, does it mean that Nigeria have been voting incompetency to power? or do they know what to do but choosed not to do it?
“Is Igbo presidency the most important thing for Nigeria at this moment?, could the need of the country be more than that?,or could it be total restructuring/ total disintegration.