Lurking Omen of the “Ogoni Nine”
By Prophet McJulius
It is said that common sense is not common and, that’s the perfect truth about the man called Asari Dokubo. This is because if Asari has common sense he wouldn’t be doing what he’s doing against the Igbos in recent months, thereby repeating the same grave mistakes that his forebearers made which proved in the end to be costly a mistake and foolishness of the worst order.
The inability to use past experience to one’s benefit in present circumstances is a lack of common sense, which is tantamount to foolishness and, this is the correct description of what Asari Dokubo is doing. He is not wise and, it’s just a matter of time before this is proven to be true.
COMMON SENSE is not a product of too much learning but, one’s ability to apply past experiences to one’s advantage in present situations and circumstances, but unfortunately Asari in his denseness does not have and could not apply this cheap commodity.
In recent months Asari has been on the loose attacking the Igbos all in the name of pleasing and luring favour from enemies of Ndi-Igbo, this he is doing without any provocation or offence against him personally or his tribe.
If Asari has any personal problems with Nnamdi Kanu he should settle it with him and leave the Igbos out of it. Why does he drag a whole tribe because of a business fallout with one man?
The way Asari has been dancing his dance of shame nakedly to the admiration and gloating of his paymasters shows that he has not learnt anything from the past ugly experience of his kindred who toed the same ignoble and infamous path. They ended up in infamy having been betrayed, brutalised, decimated and completely destroyed by the same enemies of the Ijaw nation. Those ill-fated Ijaw leaders failed to recognise who the enemies of the Ijaw people truly are just as Asari is doing today.

From all records available, there is no proof anywhere of any maltreatment, mischief or wickedness of the Igbos towards or against Ijaw people to warrant Asari or any Ijaw leader either living or dead to continue to single out the Igbos for such ferocious attacks like this empty-headed over bloated watermelon is doing right now.
The Igbo people have always been supportive of their Ijaw brothers and neighbours as was evidently shown in their defiant and unflinching massive support for Goodluck Jonathan both during the electioneering and during his government proper. It’s therefore difficult to justify the reason(s) why Asari will be the one attacking the Igbos after all the love the Igbos have shown to the Ijaws.
It’s noteworthy to warn Asari Dokubo of the terrible dangers inherent in his cowardly and sycophantic politics of attacking the Igbos for no just cause in his greed, stupid, dubious and desperate bid to gain favour from the enemies of the Igbo people and powers that be.
Asari should remember that his kinsmen who followed that dangerous and self-destructive route in the past ended up paying with their lives. Starting from Isaac Adaka Boro, the infamous Ogoni 9 led by the turncoat and self-confessed Igbo hater, Ken Saro Wiwa and Henry Orkah. These were all used, dumped and eventually killed and forgotten by their paymasters and slaveholders.
What Asari and his types fail to understand is that in Islam, their types who make themselves instruments in the hand of the enemies against their own people and the innocent are referred to as “USEFUL IDIOTS” and, they’re always discarded and destroyed when their usefulness is no longer needed.
My last warning for this demented pig called Asari Dokubo is that sooner or later there will be another repeat of Ogoni 9 and when that happens he will certainly be among the nine or maybe this time around the number might multiply. The earlier he begins to retrace his steps and stop attacking the chosen people of God the better for him else, judgement will catch up with him as it did with others.
A child who follows the road his father followed will certainly meet whatever met his father and, his experience will not be different, whether good or bad – Raph Odum McJulius.
Finally, let me state clearly here that I know for sure that Asari does not speak for nor represent the vast majority of the Ijaw people, he only speaks for and represents his corrupted, blood-polluted, blood defiled and blood-contaminated stomach, hence I did not address this article to the good people of the Ijaw nation but, to Asari Dokubo and other gluttonous pigs like him.
Raph Odum McJulius Enechi is a Prophet, Poet, Author and The Senior Pastor Of The Balanced Church, with headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria.
Raph Odum McJulius Enechi is a 9News Nigeria editorial guest contributor and the opinions shared in this piece do not depict that of 9News Nigeria. For more inquiries, contact info@9newsng.com