Birthday wishes: Sam Onwuemeodo reels out his humble background to the public

Sam Onwuemeodo
Sam Onwuemeodo

By Princely Onyenwe, Imo

Sam Onwuemeodo has decided to open up to the public regarding his humble background as he marks his birthday.

It reads as thus:

I tell you this story.

My father, Beniah Ogbonna Onwuemeodo, had married my mother, Rhoda Titi Onwuemeodo.

They were wedded in Assemblies of GOD church Mbutu.

The first child came, a female. The second child came, a female. The third child came, a female. The 4th child came, a female.

My father’s mother called him and advised that he should forget the rule of Assemblies of GOD church of not marrying two wives but to go ahead and marry a second wife, for the sake of having male children.

My father refused. It caused a serious rift between my father and his mother.

My father’s father had called my father Ogbonna and had expected his first child to be a male, but it turned out to be a female child. He was angry.

Not long after the first child, a female, my grandfather died. The female children continued to come.

My father’s elder brother did not only supported those pushing my father to marry the second wife but went as far as finding and bringing one unsolicited.

My father chased that one away.

My father’s immediate elder sister became a thorn in the flesh of my mother. Mocking her each time she came.

They eclipsed the joy of my mother. But my father was on her side. That was the consolation.

The only support my father and mother had was from my father’s eldest sister.

She would come and tell my mother to stop thinking about all the “mockeries”. It was a turbulent situation.

The fifth ( 5th) pregnancy came, my father’s mother and those on the same page with her, wished the pregnancy away. They wrote it off. For them, it would also produce another female child and nothing to celebrate about.

They were never excited about the 5th pregnancy.
But my father continued to believe in GOD.

That was on a Sunday afternoon, right inside the church, and the date was October 19, my mother began to fill somewhere. Do you understand?

The ” disturbance” continued unabated. The “guy” was in a hurry to emerge. My father brought out his bicycle, and took my mother to a maternity home.

By 5 pm that day, l came out or emerged in grand style. With a bang.

My ” open part” was erect. The nurse that came to do the needful, got her face washed with the hot and fresh urine from my ” open part.” At that stage, it was an “open part” and has not graduated to a ” private part” . I am being civil here.

The nurse shouted and said, “this one na real man o “.

God wanted to prove beyond doubt that, a male child had arrived in line with his own timetable.

On the spot, my mother called me “Onyeogadirinma” (someone it will be well with).

My father arrived with a high dose of excitement, carried me on his chest and called me “Achubaokwu” ( forcing comments back into the mouths of those who had mocked my mother).

My father’s eldest sister who was on his side came and called me “Olugbuo” ( a conqueror).

It was an exciting development. And you could imagine the scenario.

I opened the womb for male children.

The second after me, a male child. The 3rd one after me, a male child. The 4th one, after me a male child. The 5th one after me, also a male child. Male children galore. Who say, GOD no dey?

Harvest of male children.

All those who were mocking my mother over male child, became dumbfounded. They became ashamed of themselves. They felt belittled.

But what if my father had succumbed to the unrelented pressure to go for a second wife against his fate because of male child?

It is not over, until it is over and seen to be over.

GOD has the final say. He knows all our struggles. Our situations.

He holds the keys of hell and of death.

With GOD, nothing is impossible. Nobody can mock you, when GOD has not mocked you.

Nobody decides your fate, but GOD.

When they mock you , begin to count your BLESSINGS and name them , one by one. You must definitely see what GOD has done for you or about to do for you .

GOD’S time table or calender is different from man- made calendars.

I am a village man .
Hence, l have not been celebrating my birthday.
But yesterday, Ugwumba Uche Nwosu insisted that l must celebrate it.
And l did it in my own way.

And l pray that the GOOD LORD should bless all those who had called or sent messages to Congratulate me or to wish me happy birthday.

God shall continue to bless you and your families abundantly.

Good health and long life shall be your portions.

The wish of the evil ones shall never prevail over you. The LORD shall continue to be your SHEPHERD in JESUS NAME AMEN.

And for Ugwumba Uche Nwosu, GOD shall continue to meet you at the point of your heart desires. You have sown goodness. You will reap Goodness. AMEN.

My name is Sam Onwuemeodo.

9News Nigeria (Owerri)
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About Princely Onyenwe 2724 Articles
Princely Onyenwe A seasoned Investigative Journalist, Civil Rights Activist, and Political Analyst, Currently Editor and News reporter with 9News Nigeria