The Capital Market Solicitors Association Business Luncheon , an annual event geared towards creating more synergy as regards funding for small medium enterprises from existing capital markets.

The 2022 edition was held at Radisson Blu Anchorage Hotel with the theme Capital Market, Start-up Financing and Syndicate Funding with further analysis on Ability of Small and Mediumsized Enterprises to Access the Capital Market.
The chairman of the planning committee of the business luncheon, Mr Adeleke Alex Adedipe in his welcome guest speakers, panelists and participants at the event, appreciate their presence and he reiterated that today’s event is definitely going to change the narrative as regards how smes accessibility to funding and capital markets.
During the fireside chat that focuses on capital market start up and financing for smes with more empahsis on options and current obstacles for capital raising the interviewee Mrs jumoke olaniyan, head buisness development division of fmdq exchange shared extensively the aspect of capital validation , the need to ascertain the amount needed or available to work with.
According to her, the issue of mitigating risk is also an important factor to analyse which can be an obstacle if not addressed. She equally addressed the issue of syndicate funding which she believes it requires a certain level of trust particularly on the part of getting capital from Angel investors. She reiterated the fact trust when it comes to raising capital for business startups from relatives considering the level of relationship compared to accessibility to strangers which requires some level of trust to leverage on.
The panel discussion featured resource persons across the fintech sector they were able to share their background experiences on the theme for the business luncheon.
The moderator of the panel discussion Mr Vincent Iweze vice chairman cmsa partner, Pentagon partners relayed the importance of what we will derived in this panel discussion considering the calibre of persons in the panel.
Mr Funsho Akere the chief executive officer at stanbic ibtc capital shared his perspective on the need to fix the demand and supply sides striking a balance ensuring there’s some level of stability in this regard.
According to him he reiterated the aspect of addressing the issue of mitigating risk, ease of doing business should be suitable for smes and the need aspect of competitive advantage can’t be overemphasied which is an enabler to facilitate the accessibilityof smes to capital markets.
Mr Olu Oyisan a managing partner at oui capital highlighted the importance of expanding the pool of capital markets making existing parameters work in regards to electricity supply, good road network in which products and services emanated from here will stay thereby foreign investors will be interested in venturing into the economic sector which will facilitate the growth and accessibility to capital market.
Mrs Zelda Akindele who is a partner at templars highlighted the need for smes to understand the what is required to Access the Capital Market, parameters to deployed in making them relevant in the marketplace. She believes financial technology is a veritable to deploy and a strategic means when making .
The panel discussion was wrapped up with thought provoking questions from the participants which was well addressed by the panelists with final thoughts from them to further buttress their viewpoints on the theme for the business luncheon. Group photographs were taken with souvenirs presentation to them for their commitment and support at the luncheon.
The Secretary of the cmsa executive committee members, barr simisola eyisanmi in her remarks highlighted the uniqueness of this year business luncheon, considering the different category of sponsors at the gold and platimum level.
According to her, she believes this new development will further strengthen the essence of this annual event.
The Annual Business Luncheon was wrapped up with a neworking session that involves wining, dinnig and group photography.