By Obinna Ejianya (9News Nigeria – Melbourne, Australia)
It is unfortunate but true that some politicians have, throughout history, exploited religious differences and fueled religious intolerance as a means to gain or consolidate political power. These divisive tactics, often referred to as “divide and rule,” aim to create divisions among religious communities in order to manipulate public sentiment and consolidate their own support base. While this approach may yield short-term political gains for such politicians, it can have serious long-term consequences for societal harmony and stability. Here are some reasons why politicians may resort to these tactics:
1. Securing support from their base: By exploiting religious differences, politicians can appeal to the emotions and loyalties of certain religious groups, thereby securing their support and votes. This strategy often involves promoting an “us versus them” mentality, which can polarize society along religious lines.
2. Diverting attention from other issues: Religious tensions can be used as a distraction from pressing social, economic, or political issues. By highlighting religious differences, politicians can divert public attention away from problems or failures in governance, effectively shifting blame or responsibility.
3. Consolidating power: By exacerbating religious divisions, politicians may seek to consolidate their power by consolidating support from a particular religious group. They may exploit existing grievances or perceived threats to galvanize support and create a sense of unity within their own religious constituency.
5. Exploiting fear and insecurity: Religious intolerance can be fueled by stoking fear and insecurity among certain religious communities. Politicians may manipulate or exaggerate perceived threats from other religious groups, leading to heightened tensions and animosity.
6. Polarizing society for political gain: Politicians may intentionally create and perpetuate religious divisions in order to maintain a fragmented society. By polarizing religious communities, they can weaken potential opposition and maintain control over different factions.
While these tactics can be effective in the short term, they have detrimental consequences for social cohesion, peace, and stability. Religious intolerance undermines the fabric of society, fosters discrimination, and can lead to intergroup conflicts and violence. It is important for individuals and communities to be vigilant and critical of such divisive strategies, and to actively promote tolerance, understanding, and unity.
Promoting inclusive and responsible political leadership, fostering interfaith dialogue, and encouraging a culture of respect for religious diversity are important steps to counteract the divisive tactics of politicians. By emphasizing shared values, promoting education and awareness, and engaging in constructive conversations, societies can work towards overcoming religious divisions and building a more harmonious and inclusive future.
What are the potential long-term consequences of politicians using religious intolerance as a ‘divide-and-rule’ tactic?
The long-term consequences of politicians using religious intolerance as a ‘divide-and-rule’ tactic can be significant and far-reaching. Here are some potential consequences:
Social division and polarization: Exploiting religious differences can deepen divisions within society and lead to increased polarization. This can create an “us versus them” mentality, eroding social cohesion and fostering animosity between different religious communities. Over time, it can result in the fragmentation of society along religious lines.
Heightened religious tensions and conflicts: Fueling religious intolerance can escalate tensions between religious groups, leading to a higher likelihood of conflicts and violence. Prolonged animosity and hostility can result in a cycle of retaliatory actions, deepening distrust and making reconciliation more challenging.
Erosion of trust and social harmony: When politicians manipulate religious differences for their own gain, it undermines trust between religious communities and erodes social harmony. Communities that once coexisted peacefully may become suspicious and antagonistic towards one another, hindering cooperation and collaboration.
Marginalization and discrimination: Religious intolerance can lead to the marginalization and discrimination of certain religious groups. Policies and practices that favour one religious group over others can result in unequal treatment, restricted opportunities, and a sense of exclusion among targeted communities. This can perpetuate cycles of inequality and hinder social progress.
Economic repercussions: Prolonged religious tensions and conflicts can have negative economic consequences. Investments and business activities may decline due to instability and a lack of trust, leading to economic stagnation and diminished opportunities for development. This can perpetuate poverty and hinder overall societal progress.
Weakening of democratic institutions: Exploiting religious divisions can undermine democratic institutions and principles. Politicians who use religious intolerance as a tool may suppress dissent, manipulate electoral processes, and curtail freedoms in order to maintain their grip on power. This erosion of democratic values weakens the foundations of governance and undermines the rights and liberties of citizens.
Damage to international relations: Religious tensions fueled by politicians can have international repercussions. They can strain diplomatic relations, exacerbate regional conflicts, and contribute to the spread of extremist ideologies. This can hinder cooperation, peacebuilding efforts, and global stability.
Addressing the long-term consequences of politicians using religious intolerance requires concerted efforts from multiple stakeholders. It involves promoting education, fostering interfaith dialogue, strengthening democratic institutions, and ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all religious communities. By actively countering divisive tactics and promoting religious tolerance, societies can work towards healing divisions, fostering social cohesion, and building a more inclusive and peaceful future.
How religious faithful can avoid divide-and-rule tactics by politicians?
Citizens of different religious faiths can play an active role in avoiding the ‘divide-and-rule’ tactics employed by politicians. Here are some ways they can contribute to countering such tactics:
1. Education and awareness: Religious faithful can educate themselves about their own faith as well as other religions. This knowledge can help them recognize and challenge attempts by politicians to exploit religious differences for their own gain. By being well-informed, they can resist manipulation and promote accurate information within their communities.
2. Promote interfaith understanding: Actively seeking opportunities for interfaith dialogue and engagement can foster understanding, empathy, and cooperation among different religious communities. By building relationships based on mutual respect and shared values, religious faithful can undermine the divisive narratives propagated by politicians.
3. Reject intolerance and discrimination: Religious faithful can take a firm stance against intolerance and discrimination within their own religious communities. By promoting inclusivity, respect, and acceptance, they can create an environment that discourages the divisive tactics of politicians and fosters unity.
4. Encourage critical thinking: Developing critical thinking skills enables individuals to question and analyze political messages and actions. Religious faithful can encourage critical thinking within their communities, teaching members to examine political rhetoric and actions through the lens of their faith’s core values.
5. Engage in responsible citizenship: Active participation in the political process can help religious faithful counter divisive tactics. By staying informed, voting responsibly, and holding politicians accountable for their actions, religious individuals can contribute to a more inclusive and just political environment.
6. Support religious leaders promoting unity: Religious leaders who emphasize unity, respect, and interfaith cooperation deserve support from their communities. By actively engaging with and supporting these leaders, religious faithful can contribute to a collective voice against divisive politics.
7. Foster grassroots initiatives: Supporting grassroots initiatives that promote interfaith harmony, social cohesion, and peacebuilding can be impactful. The religious faithful can actively participate in or contribute to projects and organizations that work towards bridging religious divides and fostering understanding.
8. Promote social cohesion: Religious communities can engage in joint social service projects, community development initiatives, and advocacy efforts that transcend religious boundaries. By working together on common goals, religious faithful can demonstrate the strength of unity and challenge narratives of division.
9. Foster media literacy: Religious individuals can develop media literacy skills to critically evaluate news and information. By fact-checking, avoiding the spread of misinformation, and promoting responsible media consumption, they can contribute to a more informed and discerning society.
10. Advocate for religious freedom and equality: Religious faithful can advocate for religious freedom and equality, not only for their own faith community but for all religious groups. By standing against discrimination and supporting policies that uphold religious rights, they can help create an environment that discourages divisive politics.
It is important to note that countering divisive tactics requires collective efforts from religious communities and broader society. By actively promoting unity, understanding, and respect, the religious faithful can play a significant role in countering the divide-and-rule tactics employed by politicians.
By Obinna Ejianya (9News Nigeria – Melbourne, Australia)