From Princely Onyenwe
A call has gone to the Government of Imo state to as a matter of urgency caution the soldiers on duty at Owerri -Aba- Evan Enwerem- Akachi by-pass to stop causing traffic congestion along our roads.
This is very important mostly as the Christmas and New year festive seasons are Closeby.
Our correspodents were trapped on the road by the reason of traffic Congestion bedevilling Imo roads.
At Akachi by-pass along Owerri Aba road, users are always chocked by long queue of vehicular Traffic that always take hours stagnating people’s comfort and free movement.
Soldiers are always checking on vehicles without recourse to people’s comfort. Within the Emmanuel college bridge police officers are sighted collecting their usual 50Naira Egunje, causing road block unnecessarily at intervals.

At an intervention by our press crew, soldiers were asked if their primary responsibility is to cause unnecessary traffic Congestion on our roads?
The checks on vehicles is not suppose to lead to continous Traffic Congestions on our roads.
A similar road congestion always hit maternity bus stop along Nekede Federal Polytechnic road on steady basis and the cause is not identified till date. Every night users of this road leading to Police post-Ihiagwa suffer alot on traffic congestion.
Imo state traffic agency have alot duty to discharge on Imo roads mostly as the Festive Season draws near. Police and Soldiers who depend on drivers and passengers for their daily makeup must first make our roads free from traffic to help the state grow.

The photos in this News represent the road congestion and traffic situation at both Evan Enwerem/ Akachi by-pass and Maternity bus stop poly road.
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Photo credit: 9News Nigeria
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