Good And Evil Exposed In Terms Of Mathematical Equation-Paul Chika Emekwulu Writes

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9News Nigeria

From Princely Onyenwe

Some natural phenomena in our physical world can be described mathematically.

These include the distance traveled by a moving object, the path traced by an object thrown in the air, the speeds of two cars traveling in opposite directions, the distance traveled by an object dropped from a height, the amount of force needed to drag an object up or down a hill and so on.

Now the same physical world is governed by two forces – good and evil These two forces interact at unequal amounts (Psalm 52:3, John 3:19). The good comprises of good thoughts and bad thoughts while the evil comprises of evil thoughts and evil actions.

These two forces can be considered further under four sub-headings as follows:

(a) When the world is pervaded by evil

(b) When the world is pervaded by goodness

(c) When good and evil are equal

(d) When good and evil exist side by side unequally.

Whereas the first three are assumptions (utopian), the last is a social reality, the ideal world we live in.

Both the assumptions and the social reality can all be represented by linear equations in mathematics says Paul Chika Emekwulu, an Igbo Language activist, an international best-selling author, and author of several books including The ‘GPS’ of the Holy Bible, Mathematical Explorations for Advanced Students, When Spell Your Name in Igbo is Equivalent to Spell Your Igbo Name in Igbo – A Mathematical Slant etc.

Paul Emekwulu, who is also a professional speaker as well as the author of Getting to know Fibonacci numbers and Getting to know triangular numbers said that he described his four equations on good and evil in his unpublished manuscript titled, The Mathematics of good and evil.

Paul also has other equations to his credit. One of them among others is an equation that utilizes the set of triangular numbers (1, 3, 6, 10, 15…) in determining the number of diagonals in an n-sided polygon, and an equation that converts the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5…) to unique, single triangular numbers.

Now having looked at these other equations what else can be said about the equations representing good and evil? Quite a lot!

These equations on good and evil were found to be consistent with Psalm 52:3 and John 3:19 where the word of God says that we love lies more than truth and evil more than goodness respectively.
We aren’t perfect individuals. We can only have a perfect society when the individuals that make up that society are perfect.

No society in history has ever sought for a perfect society for there is none.

Had we had a perfect society, the only equation we would have had is that representing goodness. We all have to therefore strive for a type of society where, if represented by a beam balance with the fulcrum at the center, left and right representing good and evil, all we can do is, through our words and deeds move the fulcrum towards the left in order to shrink evil . When that is being done, another name for such is a better society.

May that come to pass through our individual and collective efforts. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Paul is available for speaking engagements and can be contacted by email @

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About Princely Onyenwe 2701 Articles
Princely Onyenwe A seasoned Investigative Journalist, Civil Rights Activist, and Political Analyst, Currently Editor and News reporter with 9News Nigeria