OPINION: I cannot subscribe to the saying that “Nigeria is a failed entity”, there is always a way out – Comr. Princely Onyenwe

Comrade Princely Onyenw
Comrade Princely Onyenw

Abraham Lincoln once said ” You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage-earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich”

This implies that optimism is not based on blind faith about the future. Optimism is based on realism. It is not about the events happening to you or the country, but about the impact that you or the country have on yours and her future.

Therefore, Nigeria is not a failed state but our challenge has been leadership and implementation of policies to synchronize the plight of the people.

From my view point, I have observed that our major problem as a country is not #EndSARS# protest but change of attitude and positioning of love as the epicenter of government.

In as much as the protest was let loose from #EndSARS# there is a serious need to #EndFAKEDOCTRINES# and #EndFAKEETIQUETTES# in the social conducts of men.


Maybe the mundanes, hoodlums, desperados, corrupt minds, kleptomaniacs and criminals have envisaged the continued protest all over the globe mostly as it affects Nigeria to enable them perpetuate advanced crime but the #EndSARS# campagn could be a call to reform police sector and cut off their brutality against fellow man.

Meanwhile, the protest started like a film show that metamorphosed into variables and multiples. But to shock our minds, #EndSARS# is not our major challenge but the change of mindsets of police operational standard in this clime.

Without doubts, the major cause of continued clamour for sovereignty or division among tribes and regions is because of the insensitive of government to fair sharing and sabotage against the plight of her citizens.

For us to get it rightly done at this trying times, I opine for a reduction on export duty, reduction on the price of importation of goods and food stuffs particular the most common rice to the tone of twenty thousand naira per bag, reduction of building materials like iron rods to a commensurate price, reduction of price of cement to one thousand five hundred naira per bag, reduction of fuel and gas pump price to one hundred naira per liter, constant supply of electricity across the states of the federation to improve local productivity, providing motorable good roads in all the nooks and crany of the communities, states and federal highways.

Comrade Princely Onyenw

Also constant payment of pensioners and Nigerian workers will enable free circulation of money to the majority lower class and the public range.

Moreso, the above implementation formular will stabilize the system and incessant strike actions will seize. It is on this therefore the people will smile again and the economy will be stable.

It is erroneous to have a society of great potentials and abundance of human and natural resources and still fail. I must tell us again that Nigeria has not failed but the political leaders must rise up to face the truth and tackle the numerous challenges of government than to continue dwelling on mere rhetorics, brigandages and politicking.
So help us God.

In every sense of sincerity and foresight, I can percieve a stable country where the presidency will speak peace and swing to action to make Nigeria be on the track again. We have to reconsider and re examine our economic equality, fraternal feeling and political liberty.

I remain, Yours Dependable

Comrade Princely Onyenwe

9News Nigeria (Owerri)
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